OMG — There is nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING that I love more than a long hot call. A call where we both get off (hopefully more than once) and totally savor each other. Certainly not a quick short beat off call, but a long slow driving pleasure ride.

A ride where maybe we start out exploring each other orally. Where you start to forget about everything — your long day, work, stress, whatever– and you start to focus on just one thing — ME. A ride where you feel my tongue turn on switches in your body that you didn’t even know you had. A ride where you have me panting and squirming.
A ride that progresses from oral to some serious fucking. You on top, no me, no doggie, no standing up against the wall — it just is so hot, it can go anywhere. And then, if we feel like, it can progress to an anal finish — and then who knows, maybe we start all over again!! 😉