i’ve had really dark fantasies for as long as i can recall. when i was a little girl i never played with other childern, i would read or i would make up my own little world (you could call this my very first sexual fantasies) & i would be a hepless little girl kidnapped. sometimes i would lock myself in a closet & try to tie my hands up. i would imagine there was someone who captured & owned me & was going to come for me at any moment & it would be my duty to do whatever it was that they wanted. or i would pretend i was a slave sold at auction to a cruel master. i suppose this would be considered morbid especially for one so young but that is always what i’ve been drawn too. then i got my first spanking & learned about pain. i was shy (& sometimes still am) but i did things to get myself in trouble so i could be spanked. that held me for a few years & then i started to get interested in piercings, needles, blood. i could go on but i’d rather save that for the phone. i tell you these things not to brag on myself as someone who is unique or different or elite but so you may understand that i am open to twisted, dark, taboo, forbidden desires & fantasies. i enjoy phonesex that explores & exploits these freaky, kinky & taboo fetishes. my desires dwell on the dark side. they always have & likely always will. there is nothing too racy or nasty. i will consider anything. to me, phonesex is…a limitless world of kink and freakiness. i revel in that. & invite you to do so with me…
~ Ruby
Aim: RubyWantsItRough
Email: DirtyGirlRuby@aol.com