It’s that special time of year again, and I know you have all been really bad boys, haven’t you? And that has me in the Christmas spirit because I know what is coming… all kinds of cbt phone sex calls from you pathetic losers. You might wanna get in line early because I can assure you that there will be quite a line of bad boys waiting for their punishment.
And oh yeah, don’t call me if you don’t have anything ready… I want you to have some kind of torture device ready. Some of my faves are: Shoe strings, rubber bands, Flex All/IcyHot/Ben Gay, ice cubes, candle wax, wooden spoons, hairbrushes, clothes pins… and how could I forget my favorite… the handy dandy mouse trap. And be creative. You can think up some stuff on your own to bring to the table, too.
So get your toys and get on the phone. I’ll be waiting for you.
1 888 662 6482 – ask for Abby
AIM: sexyprincessabby
Yahoo: princess_abby_cums