Truly, it doesn’t take much to be honest to pathetic worms. I love the ones who actually ask if they are pathetic because they are truly amusing. I mean this is humiliation phone sex, retard! It is one of those “if you have to ask” questions. So whenever you have to ask a question like that the answer is always yes, stupid subbie. For example:
” Mistress, is my penis too small” — DUH YES
” Mistress, am I a pathetic loser” — DUH YES
So if you are one of those retards who thinks you need confirmation of your loser class in society, call and be used. And you know who you are. The dude who has had girls ask if it was in yet — LOSER. The dude who girls ask to do all these things because he is too stupid to realize they are using him — LOSER. The dude whose wife is banging other dudes and he thinks she is experimenting or doing him a favor by letting him stay with her — LOSER.
So come on loser, come get your dose of reality!
Mistress Marissa