Happy hour after yoga, and the MILFS and I were celebrating one of our gang’s pregnancy. Truthfully, I was celebrating the fact that I WASN’T pregnant, but you get the idea. It’ll be baby shower time, sooner or later, and my standard gift of sex coupons will be bestowed on the mommy-to-be.
What? I’m supposed to give something to the little rug ape? He doesn’t have a personality yet, how can you buy him a gift? Look, she’s going to be overwhelmed with raising the kid to even think about sex, and I’m giving her and her man a way to make it a priority during that hectic time. They’ll both thank me eventually, they always do.
But I am your Mommy Bianca. And even though I didn’t give birth to you, your Mommy loves you like her own. She will mother you and coddle you with mommy phone sex, and even change your diaper if you like the comfort of diaper play. I love all my boys… over and over again if they know how to behave.
So while pregnant sex is something the alternative phone sex mommy can only do as taboo phone sex (and I do hear that sex with a pregnant woman is incredible on your cock) I still have kids of my own. From training my poppets to becoming men to changing the diaper on an adult baby. I’m all the Mommy you need and all the Mommy I want to be.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca
Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca