I usually pride myself on being an open minded person. One who isnt surprised or shocked when someone talks about their kinky phone sex fantasies. I mean we all have them and when you do taboo phone sex you sort or stop judging peoples on their kinks cause who am I to say what is a kinky or taboo topic. If you feel its kinky then hey so be it.
Now after saying that an older gentleman called me the other day, he was in his late 60s early 70s (he told me his age but dont wanna give the full on specifics cause its not like I fully asked for consent on giving his age over) anyways he was telling me about his kinky cock sucking fantasy he had.
We have spoken a few times and its been enjoyable time exploring this or that topic. Some have been things he has explored in real life so sort of that confession type of thing and others have been fantasies which is what I had fully expected with a cock sucking fantasy. No idea why I try not to make that assumption when on the phone with someone.
Well I was totally wrong it wasnt a fantasy at all for he told him with a bit of disgusted tone “What makes you think I have never sucked a dick before? My mouth was made to drain cocks!”
Ya I really didnt have any response to that cause he was right. In fact, made me eat my words as he told me just how much of a cock whore he was. The man had drained a lot of a cocks and should be teaching a class on the subject. It did get my vivid imagination going on just how hands on or should I say mouths on his cock sucking workshop would be. Could you imagine?
Mind you that is a topic for another day or perhaps its own kinky phone sex call.
1-888-662-6482 ask for Kassidy