Humiliation Phone Sex with Dottie

One thing I will tell you is how much I enjoy humiliation phone sex. It is so fun for me, a mature woman, brought up in a time when you always showed respect and were never to say anything out of the way to anyone ever, but especially to men. I had to always be proper and respectful and mindful to never hurt anyone’s feelings. It was absolutely unheard of to say anything unpleasant to any man. It just wasn’t done and you would surely be strongly disciplined if you did. Well, times have sure changed! I did behave as expected in my early adulthood, but at some point my true nature came out, and I had to express my actual feelings no matter if they might be harsh or difficult to hear. Of course, I would still try to be gentle, I guess, but not so much with men. I took great joy in taking them down a peg or two and letting them know just what I thought about this or that.

Humiliation Phone Sex

Of course, most often this would relate to some inadequacy they had. You know that most often meant their dicks were tiny. Oh, how I love humiliation phone sex and especially when it’s due to your small penis. No one wants to mess with your tiny pecker, honey. I laugh and laugh, and I’m even surprised at some of the things I say, which can range from humorous to downright vicious! When I tell you your little pecky peck is unworthy of a woman’s attention, you best believe it is the truth. Now I know you know it too. But I love humiliating you with every fiber of my being. If you have any weaknesses, they are fair game for humiliation in my book. Maybe it’s due to all those years when I wasn’t “allowed” to. Maybe it’s just that you need some honest feedback. Maybe I just like to be mean to you because you are weak and pathetic. I guess we’ll find out!

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