i had the funnest phone sex call. i really mean it this time. cross my heart. i won’t cross my legs cause then u wont be able to see my pretty panties to tease ya with hee hee. J came into chat while i was hangin out with the other hot phone sex girls there. j started talking to me about this bullet i could play with on the puter. where i have the control. he puts the bullet up against his cock and i buzz buzz buzz him. hee hee. it was so much fun. i could make that bullet got crazy. and he had to control not cummin cause i was the one that could say when he could cum. yay. thats my new favorite toy. so much fun 4 phone sex. buzz buzz. but u can’t cum. hee hee. i was sure living up to my name coed cock tease. cause i was teasing j’s cock so bad. now he is off to the strippers. hee hee. good luck keepin ur dick down.
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