i was so happy to get my exam back i know there was a shocker! but all the flirting and teasing i did with the teachers worked yay! i was so happy the one exam that i was super worried about got a b+ thats the one i was flashing my ass for. i would of thought my sexy bottom would of got me a higher grade but oh well i will take it. that just means for finals i am really gonna have to work that teacher. what am i gonna have to do for an A? suck his dick!
but i hear we are getting a new teachers assistant and if its the one i had last year hee hee i already know a secret about him. he is a panty boy. i think he is really a sissy boy but i know for sure that he is a panty boy. cause last year i went to him for some help and he was bending over and i saw them. his bright pink panties! he was wearing a g-string and well those things always have a habit of peeking out of your pants. hee hee. it was funny. i tried so hard not to giggle. but every time he bend over for something there that pink g-string was saying hello rach.
it was then that i knew that sissy boys and panty boys were every where. really they are. i mean i talk to them all the time at the lingerie shop. they say it for their gf but i know their secrets cause those bois end up doing a phone sex call with me later that nite. all the pretty sissy boys dressed up for their phone sex calls. i love talking to panty boys and sissy boys.
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