Dirty Talk Phonesex With Genevieve — The Extreme DBMG Phonesex Original


I made this post in my personal phonesex journal about how simply hot dirty talking is — read the entry here. Meaning mainly just the filthy nasty foul language that gets me off — oh how I love dirty words. Thus I was inspired to share my favorite nasty phonesex language with you. Hang on for the fucking ride people. I’m the reigning champion of the penis game amoung my friends and I hang out with some very bold people. If you don’t know the penis game you need to. Read about it here. But now — on to my list….

My Favorite Dirty Words To Use During Phonesex:

  • Cunt (wether its applied to my or another pussy, used by the way of verbal abuse or directed at a sissy…its hot)
  • Jizz (do I really need to explain this one? Maybe — its just that much more ranchy than cum)
  • Whore (sounds nasty, is nasty and can be compounded with another word to make it even more nasty, ie cum whore, fuck whore, cock whore, anal whore, ect…)
  • Bitch (its almost tame now but its a timeless classic, bitch is the Chanel No. 5 of dirty talk)
  • Twat (because lets face it sometimes you just need something strong than cunt and what a filthy alternative twat is)

My Siteshttp://www.extremephoneslut.com/, www.phonesexsuperstars.com/genevieve.htm, www.phonesexelite.com/genevieve.htm, www.thekittenranch.com/genevieve.htm

My Journalhttp://sexy-genevieve.livejournal.com/

My Number1-888-662-6482


Hot Phonesex With A Badd Girl

Hey guys!


This has  to do with phonesex, I swear….It snowed. In Arizona. I played in the snow in Scottsdale Az, in the desert! So rare, so fun. Its still cold today but the snow is melting. Let me be your horny snowbunny! I love the idea of hot phonesex with you when its cold outside, Mmmm…So call and warm me up…1-888-662-6482!!!






Ass Play Phone Sex

ass play

I had a new caller the other night who swears he had never done phone sex before (ok! *winks*) Whether true or not, he was tentative and it took two calls to finally get him to tell me his fantasy. I was waiting for something extreme, but it turned out that he was just an ass lover so we did a little ass worship.

And by the time we were done, he did not need gentle guidance. He told me how much fun he had and was totally kinky! Smooch – so happy he let loose and got wild!

Mommy Michelle

live phone sex

Phonesex Confessions With The Extreme Phone Slut


We’re putting the X in Extreme. Oh yes — thats right. Together you and I can play out all those hardcore sex fantasies and dirty beyond dirty out there taboos. We break the rules — surpass the limits and we do it all in the pursuit of kinky, crazy, wild, anything goes phonesex and you know I personally would not have it any other way. The nastier the better. And speaking of nasty I have decided to a weekly write up — called Gens Confessional. It will feature only the most perversly erotic and shockingly titilating real life confessions I hear from, you — the callers. So let’s let it all hang out. Share with me the kinks, the fetishes, the confessions that you know are freaky and hardcore and you may be anonymously featured as freaky fucker of the week in Gens Confessional. If you make it there —well now that’s extreme.

Creative Phonesex Roleplays:

  • You and I as a couple, nibbling (or taking a big healthy bite) out of some Jailbait sexies I’m babysitting…
  • You and I as CEOs of two merging companies who just cannot agree on anything, one of us must submit…
  • Myself as a wild rockstar and you as my assistant. Theres many ways this one can go — you serving me, you only being allowed to watch while I play with my groupies, ect…
  • You as a horny trucker and myself as a waitress at a roadside dinner. You may have to force me or I could be just as crazy horny as you…

My Siteshttp://www.extremephoneslut.com/, www.phonesexsuperstars.com/genevieve.htm, www.phonesexelite.com/genevieve.htm, www.thekittenranch.com/genevieve.htm

My Journalhttp://sexy-genevieve.livejournal.com/

My Number1-888-662-6482


Kinky Fetish Fun with Tiffany – Foot Fetish

teen phone sex

I had the hottest call with one of my stocking lovers who adores my teeny little feet. He loves a bit of trampling so I stand on his chest and take my cute little feet and rub them in his face, right before I SQUASH it.

foot fetish

He almost came the first time I did it because it was such a turn on for him. Now we go a little bit slower so it lasts *giggles*

I just love playing with him and all my stocking and foot fetish lovers.


teen phone sex

Take Some Time For Phonesex With A Blonde Badd Girl

Hey guys!

Lets keep it simple, me…you…the phone and our fantasies. Lets talk, lets get to know eachother, lets play. Lets have hot phonesex. Lets cum multiple times. Lets pleasure eachother. Thats what I’m in the mood for…how does that sound to you? Let me know, 1-888-662-6482!







Age Regression through Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

I know exactly what my babies need. The sweet sound of my voice taking you deep into relaxation. So deep and so relaxed that we can explore those childhood days. We’ll relax your mind and your body and take you back to the sweet days of innocence. No worries, no responsibilities…. The days where you were able to rely on mommy for all your needs. The days that mommy took complete care of you. I am your mommy, let me take care of you in all the loving ways that you deserve. We can start with a realxing hypnotic induction and move on from there.


AB/DL Phone Sex

Up late naughty phonesex with Honey

lost in are roleplays and making your hard cock shoot a nice big load for me.

 Mmmmmmmm I am not ready to call it a night just yet. I still have a fantasy or two of my own that I would love to share wtih you. So why don’t you pick up that phone and call me so that I can tell you allllllll about what my kinky mind comes up with!!!!!

 I’m positive that your just gonna love all the juicy details I have in store for you!! I can’t wait to hear that handsome voice on the other end of the phone baby. So hurry and call! ***kisses***






New Personal Phone Sex Site~ Coming soon

Personal Phone Sex Site

Just wanted to give all my boys a heads up….. We have talked about my personal phone sex site and guess what? Its in the process and coming soon. I know so many of you have been wanting and waiting. Well your favorite phone sex mommy is coming through for you yet once again. I will post again when its complete to let you all know. In the mean time and in between time keep the calls coming.

Fetish Phone Sex
AB/DL Phone Sex
Abies Phone Sex
Mommy Phone Sex
Big Tit Phone Sex
Stockings/Heels Phone Sex
MILF Phone Sex
Mature Phone Sex
Domination Phone Sex
Erotic Roleplays Phone Sex
Taboo Fantasies ++++++


and of course coming soon…………http://www.gotmilfphonesex.com

Craving Phonesex With Blonde Badd Girl Brynn

Hey guys!


Phonesex…naughty phonesex, kinky phonesex, dirty phonesex; its all I can think about today. Yeah…I’m horny and I bet some (all!) of you are too! I want to get it on in the worst way. I’d love to have a hot 2 girl call with Paris. She’s so sexy, 2 girl phonesex with us is quite the experience…just ask any of the guys who have played with us! Or a sensual and long session where we both get to reach that peak several times. Mmmm, that sounds good too. Now I’m wondering what it is youre craving, call me and let me know…1-888-662-6482!!!






Phone Sex : Live Fetish Phone Sex