Humiliation Phone Sex with Bree

It’s your job to cheer me up today. Am totally serious. I am sitting here staring out my window and its raining non stop. Last week it was snow and this week its huge ass rain drops. So I am one pouty princess in need of some humiliation phone sex.

humiliation phone sex

Yup giggling and laughing my sexy hot ass off at you will improve my mood. Well you yourself wont but telling me about the fact your small dick hasnt been hard in eons is a good way to get me smiling.

I know you wanna make me smile. After all I look so fucking hot with a smile over my sweet pink lips. Course why stop with small dick humiliation when we can keep on going cause I am sure your little dick hasnt gotten laid in eons either. So ya lets dive into some cuckold fantasies while were at it. Lord knows I can never get enough big cock action.

Ya I know you love hearing my sexy big cock stories too makes you wish you really were my fluffer boy right? Ha dont worry I can make you beg to suck some cream from my hot tight pussy.

Know what just thinking about the stuff we can chat about for a humiliation phone sex call is starting to put me in a good mood. So just need your lame ass to call me and help get the giggles really started. Cause lets face it humiliation phone sex fantasies are way hotter when you have a bratty princess like myself laughing at you.

Just ask for Bree when you call 1-888-662-6482

Two Girl Phone Sex with Bree

Wanna know whats on my mind? Ok sure sex. Yes also humiliating some small dick loser. But a wicked two girl phone sex call!

Seems like way too long since I got to play with another fucking hottie on the phone. You know doing what we do best. Giggling and laughing over your limp dick. Teasing you and reminding you that your not worthy of fucking our hot pussies.

two girl phone sex

We might actually let you kiss our asses. I mean if you snag two of us for a call then you do deserve SOMETHING and it might be the right to kiss our sweet pucker holes. Well actually it might all depend on who you pair me up with cause some girls I am a bit nicer with and others well lets just say we are a very dangerous combo together. They enhance my bratty bitch side.

No I am not about to tell you which girls on this site make me sweeter and which ones make me sassier. That would take away all my fun. After all I am a bratty princess!

So look over who is taking calls. Ohhh I just looked and DAMN there are some new girls plus some I havent played with in forever. Like….

Just kidding like I was gonna actually fucking tell you who to pair me up with for a two girl phone sex call.

1-888-662-6482 tell the dispatcher you want some double trouble on the phone today. Hell maybe let it be dispatchers choice now we are talking! Let the dispatcher pick who will join our awesome threesome! For those not in the know my name is Bree. Talk soon.

Bratty Phone Sex Princess Bree

Damn that week flew by! Ok maybe I shouldnt be saying that cause am sure a few of you had a butt dragging sort of week. Good news! This bratty phone sex princess is here to make your Saturday fucking ROCK!

Well maybe pound your Saturday into awesomeness. Cause I am sitting here going damn I really want some fucker to bend over and serve up his ass to me for some ass fucking fun.

bratty phone sex princess

Yup I wanna break out my line up of strap ons and give’r to your behind. Spread those cheeks baby this bratty phone sex princess is going in DRY!

Hahah. Love those going in dry memes. I will use lube if you want me to. I am not a sadist or is it a masochist? Never remember which one is what either way I can be nice. I mean if your having a bad week after all then why would I add to that roughness. Unless you want me too?

Come on you want a little roughness to your strap on fucking right?

Touch of humiliation from this bratty domme cause hey you all love listening to me laugh at how much of a loser you are anyways. Ok so humiliation aint rough but it is a hell of a lot of fun and today would be all about amusing me. So as I see it I will do what I want.

Face down, ass up!

You now what would be super awesome while your in that position? If you snagged another girl and we ended up with your face buried in some pussy. Hold up a moment! You sucking back on some tranny dick! FUCK YA! This bratty phone sex princess and a hot no limit tranny? Come on that sounds like a right blast. I can claim your ass and make you a cock guzzling whore all at the same fucking time!

1-888-662-6482 just ask for BREE.

Bratty Phone Sex Princess Bree

Damn its Wednesday! Ya all that typical hump day shit is running through my mind but with you losers all I wanna due is tease you and remind ya how you so aint gonna fuck this fine ass! Well I might string ya along for a bit and give you the smallest of hope that you could maybe fuck this bratty phone sex princess.

bratty phone sex princess

After all I am not completely heartless. Like to give you dudes the illusion that you could maybe get with a hot girl like me. Course I am too honest for my own good. Just like in this blog I mean I could of wrote on and on and ON about how I wanna fuck you every which way. But nah! So not my style. Rather dish out the truth and crush you pea size dreams right now.

Actually more like give you a heads up that this bratty phone sex princess will toy with your emotions. Let you on just enough to get that boner leaking love juice then BOOM stomp all over your erection. Ya that is a touch bitchy but hey you fuckers love it!

Know what I am thinking that it would be down right wild and well make my Wednesday night just rock if you grabbed one of my hot barely legal friends to join us! Ya thats right thinking 2 bratty phone sex princess’ rocking or well more like humiliating you. Anything goes so it could be a kinky cuckold scenario or us just giggling and laughing over your small dick. Hey I am open to most anything tonight.

Hey I said MOST anything so get rid of the idea of you fucking my pretty princess pussy. The only way we fuck is with my strap on! Got it?

1-888-662-6482 just tell the dispatcher you wanna talk Bree

Creampie Phone Sex with Bree

Guess what I was doing the other night? Serving up some creampie phone sex!

Sure I could of been out with a few friends at the club but gotta say if I am gonna stay home you fuckers know how to party on the phone. Well ok so like having a taboo phone sex princess to call helps out with your freaky party. Cause ya cant have a creampie cuckold fantasies without a super duper sweet creamy pussy.


So your welcome that I was more than happy to offer mine up.

This one guy it was fucking awesome cause it wasnt so much a small dick let me eat out your pussy cause I am unworthy type call. It was more he loved eating his own cum from a pussy he just fucked. Now that was fucking hot. Like to go from riding his hard jizzed filled dick till it explode and then switching my sweet princess ass right to his face.

Ya thats right from cowgirl to face sitting in one smooth move. Sure he might of lifted me up and helped me along cause he was that excited and didnt want a drop of his hot load dripping anywhere else.

Told ya it was one hot creampie phone sex fantasy!

Now dont worry I know not all of you have a dick that is totally fuckable so it could of been easily me fucking some  hot dude with a massive cock and he lifted my freshly fucked pussy right on to your face.

Ooo pass my pussy around boys!

Anyways that got this bratty princess super excited and ready for some more creampie phone sex fantasies. Like so excited I can barely type hahah. Hopefully this blog make sense.

1-888-662-6482 is the number to call and just ask for Bree the bratty princes with the cream filled pussy.


Two Girl Phone Sex Fantasy with Bree

Fuck ya! Its Sunday! Ya I am totally trying to get my mind wrapped around the ending to the weekend what can I say. Really not in the mood for it to end. Been one fucking crazy ass weekend with my best girl visiting.

two girl phone sex

So yes happy to be back rocking the phones after the weekend off but I am not ready to let the party end. With that mind set how about a wickedly wild two girl phone sex call?

Like I need to tell you how awesome it would be to pair up another hot bratty princess with myself. Think of the humiliation fun we could have. Gotta say its been way too long since Emma and I played together. We always love giggling and laughing over some small dicks.

Oh how about something completely taboo and you see if one of the hot milfs are available for a two girl phone sex call. I will give you a minute to let you think on where my mind when too. Some completely taboo fantasy. Please dont tell me I have to spoon feed you on this one? Cause if you cant pick it up then you obviously aint into taboo fantasies.

So I am looking at the girls available for calls right now and seriously I wanna phone fuck them all! Honestly I cant pick out a girl to say hey lets have some fun with her for this or that cause I will be here all fucking day. There are a number of new girls that well I NEED to play with. So how about you make that happen.

Really dont you have a few favorite girls that you love talking too?

Say now is the time you spice up your fantasy with some two girl phone sex fun.

Just ask for Bree when you call 1-888-662-6482 tell the dispatcher you wanna do a 2 girl call and she will set you up!


Bratty Princess Phone Sex Humiliation with Bree

Nothing makes me more excited than a guy saying he has read a few of my bratty princess phone sex humiliation blogs and came to the quick conclusion that I was the bratty bitch for him!

Hell the Fuck Ya I am!

Like really how could I not be?

bratty princess phone sex humiliation

I am the perfect amount of girl you wish you could fuck in high school. What am I saying? Even now you cant get a girl as hot as me.

Then you toss in a dash of humiliation cause I speak my mind there is no denying that even in my blogs I tell it how it is. So if you dont like my blog then well suck it up butter cup cause I am even less filtered on the phone. Ya consider that your heads up. Warning. Whatever. If you cant handle reading my bratty phone sex blog them you most definitely wont enjoy it live and in person on the phone!

Shake a bit o princess in there. Ok so there is a few shakes of the princess spice in there but that is what you perverted freaks all beg for. Confessing your sick and demented fetish stuff to a hot princess that will laugh her ass off at you.

Well if you dont then well once again dont call me! Cause thats what I do! Make fun of your sorry pathetic ass. Oh and laugh. Lots of laughing.

Wait this was suppose to be glorious reasons on calling my perfect princess ass. Well you get the idea. I am the atonement of perfection that is missing from your life. So call for the ultimate in bratty princess phone sex humiliation. Pretty much any fetish is welcome to be humiliated by me, Princess Bree.

1-888-662-6482 just ask for Bree!

Kinky Phone Sex Fantasy with Bree

Hell ya its Friday! Where are all the kinky phone sex fuckers at!

Trying to find a place to jerk off is my guess. Well once you find that secluded place give me a call cause I am ready to get down and nasty. Hey if I cant be out getting fucked the least I can do is laugh at some loser who is jerking it off in some bathroom somewhere. Ok so you might not literally be in a bathroom stall with your dick in your hand but its a pretty likely scenario.

kinky phone sex

How about your kinky self calls me and asks for another bratty princess to have some fun with you. A wild threesome you always dreamed about. Well more like the threesome you can actually achieve cause lets face it chances are slim you can get one girl let alone two girls naked in the same room.

Now that would be wickedly hot. Me and another girlfriend laughing at you. Sure we can do other things besides humiliating your kinky perverted ass but come on our laughs are so fucking cute how can you resist. We can have you jerking and stroking to every one of our giggles. Oh hell this could be fun.

Dont worry I am not just about humiliation into role plays too. Really any of the ones that come to mind are a bit too taboo to mention so will just toss out a few words and let your imagination take over. Babysitter and best friend. Naughty schoolgirls. Girl next door.

You cant tell me your mind isnt going shit yes!!!! To some kinky phone sex fantasy that pops into your head when you think of those things. Course add in barely legal princess with no limits. Bam! We are in for a wicked and naughty time on this Friday night.

So call 1-888-662-6482 tell the dispatcher you want to do a kinky phone sex fantasy with Bree and hey see who else is around for that hot threesome scenario.

Humiliation Phone Sex with Bratty Princess Bree

So ya I woke up in a bit of a mood. Why? Its pretty simple. Your favorite bratty princess has been living next to a construction site cause my new neighbors are renovating their new place. All week long I have been listening to banging and its not the fun kind that gets my pussy wet if ya know what I mean?

humiliation phone sex

Today, I was hoping for some quiet. I mean it Sunday who doesnt rest on Sunday. Well the fuckers next door thats what! Ok breath! Think of Christian Louboutin shoes. Think of my happy place.. Red bottom shoes. Ahhhh!

So right now I need you fuckers to cheer me up with some humiliation phone sex. Talking small dick. Cuckolding. Bratty Princess. Ya know just calling you out on being a loser type humiliation phone sex stuff. I wanna be able to laugh and giggle over your short comings. The usual stuff that cheers me up!

Oh and I think if we brought in another bratty domme that would fucking rock! Cause who doesnt like to have 2 sexy bitches laugh in their ear and treat them like a fucking loser. Well I know you do so why not double up on the giggles and fun for a humiliation phone sex call.

Well I am gonna go curl up and watch some of The Voice I have pvr’d cause well Adam. Helloooo! He will bring a smile to my face and You do what your loser ass is good at which is pick up the phone and dial 1-888-662-6482 ask for Bree. Cause your gonna bring the giggles to my day! See my mood is a win win for everyone!

Cum Eating Phone Sex with Bree

hey fuckers! who out there spent the weekend just waiting for some alone time? not so you could masturbate. ok so you could masturbate but so you could call your favorite bratty princess and do a cum eating phone sex call!

cum eating phone sex

well i figured that is what happened cause its been over 4 days since i had a cum eater slurping in my ear. ya like that never happens usually my ear is dripping wet from listening to all you guys gobble up your own nut juice.

before you tell me your at work and dont have the time. bullshit i now you guys are horny 24/7 trust me i do phone sex! there aint no where and no time you kinky freaks aint willing to slip your hand down your pants and jerk one off.

so guess what? time to get down to business and have your jerk off a big old creamy load of jizz. slurp slurp! oh ya i aint taking no for an answer on this cum eating phone sex fantasy.

hell i think it will be even hotter knowing you have pushed your work to the side. slipped open your pants and whipped out that hard cock for a good old afternoon wank fest.

i mean really your gonna have to eat the evidence now arent you? haha

see a method to this bratty princess madness.

call 1-888-662-6482 tell the dispatcher you wanna do a cum eating phone sex call with bree!

OH shit and look I am taking calls just in time for the coffee break bell! time to add a little salty jizz to that mid day break.

Phone Sex : Live Fetish Phone Sex