A thing I call Quinn’s Sexual Survival Kit sits on my bedside table. It contains rubbers (MAGNUMS, of course because we all know I am the Ultimate Size Queen), lube, baby wipes, a pocket rocket and a fifth of Jack Daniels. I am an uncomplicated girl.
Actually, there’s one more thing there. A very large dark colored dildo. It does not vibrate unless you count what happens to it when I come all over it. It is dark colored, because that’s the kind of cock that I like, and pretty much the only kind of cock that matters. Big black cock for the win, baby!
Believe it or not, there are times when I go to bed alone. And between the pocket rocket and my big black dildo, I’m set. I think I used to be a man in a past life, because I totally understand a guy’s need to get off and get on with life. Or get off and go to sleep afterwards. Or whatever. Sometimes a body just needs a rocking orgasm to straighten itself out. My cheap phone sex boys know what’s up. They’re the same way.
Sometimes, if I’m alone and in the middle of the day, I can slide that thing inside me and it’s rejuvenating, gets me jump started to make it through the rest of the day.
And do I even need to mention that if I need to be knocked out in bed, I mean big snoring sleep, I sit on that thing and just bounce until I shoot it out of me, and just collapse and pass out. I don’t even clean up after myself LOL. I have also been found in that position. Which usually means telling the story of why and how I ended up there, and getting some of what I should’ve had in the first place:
A beautiful big black dick.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!
PHONE SEX SIZE QUEEN Extraordinaire!!
Yahoo ID: playwithquinn |AIM ID: playwithquinn | Twitter @sizequeenquinn