We all have some wild thoughts kicking around in the dark recesses of our minds, don’t we? I have taboo phone sex on my mind today and I want someone very uninhibited to play with. I sure hope you’re ready to be as open-minded and non-judgmental as me. I think it’s pretty easy for a girl like me to get into nasty adult chat because I’m already a bit off-the-rails. Some of my exes call me crazy, but I just think I’m a little eccentric… or different. š I really like to push limits and boundaries. I find walking on the edge to be thrilling. I bet you have some wild experiences you would like to share with someone that understands…. maybe even someone that has tried the very same things. Or at least thought about trying them.
I’m a taboo phone sex slut and I love very kinky role-plays. Some of them are so wild, that I am not allowed to list them right here in this blog. BUT and it’s a big but, we can definitely talk about all your heart’s dirtiest desires on the phone. You want to know one of my secrets? I have a caller that when I hear that he is about to have an orgasm, I say the MOST fucked up shit I can possibly think of right as he is about to cum. I’d like to think I am rewiring his mind and exposing him to some seriously off-the-wall shit. One time I even gave him a ruined orgasm. I love that I gave him one even if he doesn’t. It makes me feel all gooey wet and powerful – like I can weaponize sex. Reminds me a bit of Oppenheimer, “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” But I’m only destroying his very small climax world. I’m stealing his moment of release and keeping it for myself. Muahaha!
What do you say we get into some very taboo phone sex together today? I can only promise that you’ll probably feel guilty after we’re done. *snicker* Call Andrea for some no limits fun at 1-888-662-6482.