No matter how old you get you always need Mommy for one reason or another. I know that my sissie abies need mommy to dress them up like pretty little dolls and some diaper lovers enjoy nursing fantasies. Mommy phone sex always winds up having an interesting twist to it. Sometimes Mommy gives the spankings, other timesMommy gets the spanking. There is always a need for a Sensual Mommy a Nurturing Mommy , and I do love to coddle and cuddle my abies. What type of phone sex mommy do you need? One to take care of you, or do you prefer to make your mommy roleplay to where you teach Mommy Marla a lesson? Tell Mommy what you need!AIM: HotMilfMarla YIM:MilfMarla
mature phone sex
Adult Baby Phone Sex
Anything goes phone sex darling is what I am used to, so when you ask me if I am interested in something different like your diaper fetish, OH BABY!
Really adult baby, you think that I don’t about your ab/dl fetish. Baby David tried to ease me into his diaper fetish, he was hesitant and shy. When he asked me what I would do with him if every night he wet the bed. Well I know the answer to that silly question, we got to put your lily white bottom in a diaper!
Then Baby David was asking me all sorts of questions, would I change him in public, yes, because I know that Baby David likes some humiliation phone sex with diaper fetish. Would I change his diaper in front of my lady friends? Yes, of course, if my adult baby needs a diaper change phone sex session because he has made a mess of his cloth diapers….. Darling, I would change your phone sex diaper everywhere, because I have to take care of you where ever we are, he giggled with embarrassment.
Does talking about your phone sex fetish and secret desires make your tummy feel funny and your dick hard? Of course it does honey. You need to tell a mature phone sex mommy all about your adult baby phone sex wants.
Call your Mama Morgan
AIM & YIM: MilfMorgan
Adult Baby Diaper Lover
Hun, when you close them eyes and imagine youself being cradled in the loving arms of a woman, that woman is your phone sex mommy, ain’t it? Adult Baby, I hold you in my lap, cooing and kissing you all over your chubby tummy and stroking your chunky legs.
Talking with hunny baby he tried to hide his feminine side. Begging me not to dress him up like a sissy. Telling me that he was going to behave. I would not have to punish him. But I did. I punished that bratty abie and dressed him up just right, all in pink! He be askin me, Mommy what is it like to be a girl? Why are girls prettier than boys? Why can’t a boy be pretty?
I told him, boys can be girls, and be pretty too. I showed him, I made him the pretties little sissy baby.
I will change your diaper fetish hunny, and I will change your blue clothes for pink ones!
Morgan 1-888-662-6482
AIM and YIM: MorganMilf
Phone Sex Mommy
No Taboos Phonesex
Fetish phonesex has always been able to capture my interest. All sorts of fetishes and there are so many, so many to combine to play off of. So much to consider. Kinky fetish phonesex with me is always no taboos phonesex. I refuse to put limits on fantasies. It spoils everything unless you have the freedom to go anywhere. Anything goes phonesex fantasies and fetishes are my main interest but conversations from erotic to advice and everything in between has always been a favorite thing of mine. Do you have a fetish that you’d like to play with or discuss because I would be very interested to hear about it and see where that takes us.
CumOnChristina on AIM / 1-888-662-6482 to call me
Mature Phone Sex
You cannot imagine the thanks I get for opening people up to other forms of great sex. That’s not sarcasm. I have two portraits on the wall here in Mommy Bianca’s Mature Phone Sex Hideaway (LOL I just made that up) to prove it.
He had never tried ass play before, but I impressed upon him the need for good prostate health and kept my regular need to slam my hips against a man’s ass to myself. You boys with your strap-on phone sex have it easy. You just talk about it (well, not all of you *mwah*) but in order to get a strap-on inside my friend, we had to start with a little fingering during oral sex and progress from there.
Once I rewired him to associate an orgasm with something in his ass, it was all downhill from there, in the good sense. And considering his face down-ass up position on my bed, that’s a close visual approximation as well. He got so good at anal climax I didn’t even have to reach around and stroke him into heaven.
So from forced feminization with the introduction of something in his ass to the point where he was asking for it was probably a few months. But inbetween he painted my picture. Twice.
The first was a pose I held for many nights before he made me come.
The second was a pose I held after he had made me come. Usually multiple times.
And bless his little strap-on loving anus, they are beautiful portraits of a MILF before and after sex. No nudity, but he captured it so well, it’s clear to the viewer.
Ah, to be laid like that on a regular basis. *sigh*
Ok, now I’m in the mood for some strap-on phone sex. Who’s game? I’ll talk to you while I look for my artist friend’s number…
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca
Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca
Phone Sex Mommy
Hello Sweethearts
My neighbor keeps looking at me strangely. With the nice weather I am rather bad for having the windows open especially in the rooms I take phone sex calls in. The other day, I think my neighbor was busy in his yard and overheard a naughty mommy phone sex fantasy.
My naughty caller had fond memories of sneaking into his mom’s panty drawer and masturbating with those panties. His taboo wish was to be caught panty covered ass and all and to see what his mom would do to him.
What taboo fun will this phone sex mommy get into tonight? Look forward to having some family fun with you. Give you Mommy a call At 1-888-662-6482 just ask for Porscha.
plzmilfporscha aim:yim
My Mature Phone Sex Mommy Page
MILF Phone Sex
Oh man, am I sore. It’s funny on a certain level, but really, it’s mornings like this that I’m feeling my age.
He had lots of energy. LOTS of energy. And while he’s still sleeping, I have time to stretch and blog.
But oh, the pain. Sexual acrobatics are truly for the young. It was clear that he watched a lot of porn. And while you can learn a little from adult films, it really is ONLY a little. Fucking on camera is much different from fucking for real. We had no break in the action like they get.
I was flipped over, moved around, slid on top and from behind, and after a while I couldn’t figure out whose limbs were behind whose head anymore.
I’ve got a certain MILF rep to protect here, so I never let on that I was getting tired. I’d lose my goth phone sex mommy status if I let on that I need a breather now and then. And usually, I wear the MAN out sexually.
But oh, this one. LOTS of energy. I’m almost scared to go back in there.
His first lesson, when I get him calmed down and some food in him… oh, who am I fooling. His first lesson will be to save all that energy for sex date number three, and not go through the whole menu immediately.
But good lord, he was delicious.
I’m going to suggest some mutual masturbation for round three, when he wakes up. LOL
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca
Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca
Phone Sex Mommy
I do love Cirque du Soliel. Those gods and goddesses moving like humans are supposed to move, only we’ve forgotten how. The revealing outfits and the physical feats just make me squirm in my chair. I heard they’d done an adult show, but unless it’s some hardcore action, I’ll probably be disappointed.
If I could, I’d put together an entire show showcasing the darker fetishes, in the hopes of bringing some understanding to them. I’d have an adult baby getting some mommy love, the panty boys stressing over what to wear and the forced bi-sexuality boys getting it hard like they want, even though they protest…
And for the big finish, I’d do a really hot adult baby scenario. Something to make everybody squirm! Wouldn’t that be delicious? It’s all fantasy, so none of the performers would be related but I have some family play phone sex callers that love the inter-family orgy.
*Sigh* But it’ll never happen. Not with penetration anyway. LOL We could get artsy I suppose with some symbolism and dance, but I’d really rather just watch actual fucking. LOL Oh well, in the meantime if you want some diaper play, or fashion advice for your lingerie choices you’ll just have to call the alternative phone sex mommy, Bianca.
And I’m cool with that.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca
Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca
Phone Sex MILF
A lovely evening of lovemaking, ending on my roof under a blanket with some champagne and stargazing on a warm summer night. This is one poppet who is definitely coming along nicely.
An excellent champagne, some fruit for a snack between rounds, and me nestled into his arm as he pointed out the constellations to his Auntie Bianca. The goth phone sex mommy is quite smitten and proud of this one. You ladies will be very lucky when I smack him on the ass and send him into your arms and legs.
Cute as can be, he made me turn off my calls. Big points for that. Not that I take MILF phone sex calls during sex (well…) but he said it like it wasn’t up for discussion. Oh yeah, baby. Take charge. LOL Love it.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him it was probably my eleventh time on that roof having constellations explained to me (Orion?? Really??), but he didn’t need to know that. Despite an extensive sexual history, there are still some poppets who can make me feel like it’s our first time doing something together and that’s what a Mature Phone Sex girl like me, really loves.
Think you can impress me? It’s possible, but rare. But I will always give you a chance. Time to call you Phone Sex MILF darling….
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca
Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca
Anything Goes Phonesex
Anything goes phonesex makes my pussy drip. Seriously. It’s nasty no limits fucks that always make me cum the hardest. Yell, scream, swear, call me names and except to hear me do the same. All that and more because no limits phonesex with me always seems to be this perfectly fucked up mix of hardcore fucking and the most taboo fetishes. Fetish phonesex that truly has no fucking limit. Taboo fetish phonesex — with a nasty no limits redhead whore. What could be better than to blow your fucking load like that? Accomplice phonesex roleplaying, feminization phonesex, scat phonesex, taboo confessions, phone humiliation, absolutely anything. Live phonesex. Taboo phonesex. The only way to know just hot nasty I cum is to call and fuck it out of me or have me fuck it out of you. Switch bitch all the way.
My Site — anything goes phonesex with a redheaded fetish phonesex whore Genevieve
My Number — 1-888-662-6482