Phone Sex Mommy

Cloth or disposable?  This is an important question to the adult baby fetishist and diaper enthusiast.  Their whole fantasy hinges on being able to regress to a time in their childhood when they had not a care in the world, when they were nothing but want and need and instinct.

The diaper is crucial to this.  While I fuss and coo over them I can talk about he details of either going to the store for more, or waiting for the diaper service to drop off more nappies, that kind of thing.

The changing of a diaper is a ritual for these men, and I am an expert at it, having been the phone sex Auntie figure, phone sex Babysitter, or Mom’s Best Friend.  But the deepest connection is when I am their phone sex Mommy and will take complete care of them and raise them as one of my own. 

And once these adult baby diaper lovers get the release they crave, they are wrapped up tight and snug in a brand new, clean and comfy diaper!  But Mommy Bianca has one more slot in her nursery open… could that be yours? It’s Monday poppets, time for all you ABDL boys to come get your diapers changed after the long weekend without your phone sex mommy.

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca  –  AIM ID: sinfulbianca   –  Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Mature Phone Sex

For all this talk about cock size, you average sized poppets out there don’t know the pain of the greatly endowed.  Seriously.  It was explained to me when I was right out of college.  A size queen friend of mine was out of town and I was designated to keep her boyfriend sated sexually while she was gone.  I’m not girl next door, but I can play the best friend easily!

I almost wished I hadn’t.  The man wore me out.  One night, so I could recover, I convinced him to go out on a proper date, and maybe find him something on the side while I supervised. 

I called a friend of mine, the kind of friend you want to keep because she and her two roommates are hot.  She said bring him on over after dinner for dessert.  You can tell the guy’s used to getting laid because three ladies dressed in tee shirts and thongs didn’t even faze him.  But as we started talking, I let slip that he had a large member.  He maintained that it was more trouble than it was worth.  This stopped all other conversation.

I had been massaging the outline in his jeans for emphasis and the gals crowded around.  The man in question continued, saying that the discomfort of having a large cock trapped in clothing is unbearable during an erection, and can be embarrassing until you just learn to live with it. 

The evening was turning into the kind that made me the phone sex teacher I am today!  I freed his cock and put my mouth on it while he talked.  He lamented that he would almost never feel his entire cock balls deep in a woman,  and that bottoming out if he wasn’t paying attention was painful for a woman.  We all nodded.  Or I did when I lifted up to kiss his cheek.  Another gal took over on the huge cocktop. 

He indicated with his fingers the part of his cock that would almost never be inside a woman’s vagina, and we swapped out another gal sucking so that everyone could understand.  And let’s not forget how much work it is on the part of the woman to keep the thing filled with blood.  We all sympathized, each of us having had to work a huge high maintenance cock before.  I told you I was worn out, didn’t I? 

He said anal was better, but required the lady not eat for a day, and by that time we understood that having a huge dick was not all it was cracked up to be.  I continued to go down on him, in-between the friends shifts on his cock, and we ended with all four mouths on him, giving him the closest we could to a warm wet full flesh immersion.  After about an hour of work between us all, singley, in pairs or all four moths at once, we finally achieved fluid jetting up and out of his body.

We undressed and let him recover.  Then he joined us on the floor for the rest of the evening; a healthy lengthy round two.  He got phone numbers but he probably never used them.  His girlfriend, the true size queen, probably was all he needed.

And so ended this phone sex teacher’s week of getting schooled.  Sometimes I think of him and thank him for not only teaching me the pitfalls of big dick, but for developing the taste for well endowed men in myself.  So if you have a large cock, I need to hear from you!  This MILF needs it!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Follow me on Twitter! @phonesexnanny

MILF Phone Sex

Why do all men run at the site of a strap on?  LOLOLOLOL  Seriously, I wish I had you forced bisexuality fetish boys around her in real life, because sometimes your phone sex auntie just needs to get her hips moving, and fuck someone in the ass.

No I don’t get anything out of it per se, except the pleasure of knowing that you’ve been my little gay boy for a night. 

See, I’m Dominant in fact, I am a Manipulation Mistress.  And even if there’s nothing dangling between my legs, that means I’m in charge.  I’ve taken enough dick over the years to know that yes, men think they call the shots in bed.  But I learned early on that if I let that be the case then I’d die from a lack of orgasms.

So to prove a point, after blowing some poppet’s mind with oral tricks he’s never felt before and a pussy that can turn coal into diamonds, I busted out the strap on, hoping to bust someone’s cherry. 

And when I’m in that mood, look out!  Because I can make it look like you’re going to get the fucking of your life.  And you will, but I’m not fucking you so that you’ll come, although if you start to like it, and do ejaculate, your phone sex MILF doesn’t mind a bit.  No, I’m fucking you because I need to make you my bitch.  I need food, air, sex and pounding your ass like there’s no tomorrow on a regular basis. 

Just don’t expect a reach around.  If you ask nicely though, I may consider it.

Bottoms Up!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca

I hope you are up for the challenge!


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Follow me on Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Phone Mommy Sex

Well, that was refreshing.  I just got back from happy hour with the girls and was pleasantly chatted up by a cute younger male.  MILF status reaffirmed, although it pains me to say that even I need the confidence boost now and then. LOL

He was well-spoken, if a bit crude.  Well built, but it was natural; it was clear he didn’t exercise.  Attractive, though not my usual type.  He seemed to let his attention wander while we talked, and I know men well enough to know that that was man speak for “I have a life outside of any one woman.”  The other MILFs at the table were impressed.  I was not, my poppets.

I’m afraid it’s a case of been there, did that.  This young gentleman, while some other Mommy phone sex goddess might fawn over him, didn’t have much to offer me.  A little too set in his ways at this point, and frankly, if this phone sex mommy isn’t going to build him from the ground up, then what’s the point?  I’m an all-or-nothing kind of gal and I take a lot of pleasure and pride in teaching my boys, and if I can’t do that, then I’d rather have a quality man my own age.  This young lad is still at the “knows-everything” stage of his life, and hasn’t had the proper authority come around to tell him that’s not true.  Had he been a bit younger, a bit rougher around the edges, that authority would’ve been me.  We all know I like to dominate, yes?  Yes, we do.

So if I can’t shape them, or if they’re not mature enough to have settled in their own skin, Mommy Bianca, Phone sex Mistress, just throws them back in the ocean.  My MILF friends thought I was crazy, or just playing hard to get.  They have no idea about my Poppet Army.  LOL.

So let me hear from you, those who need my firm gentle instruction.  You’re more my type, after all….

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Follow me on Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Mature Phone Sex

Not every man wants to call and talk to some giggly little school girl. Some men prefer mature phone sex with a woman who knows how to get down and dirty. “J” likes to do a little phone sex roleplay where he is in charge of me making me his phone sex submissive and loves a woman who can gobble his stiff throbbing cock right down and not even complain about swallowing every drop down! “M” on the other hand prefers sensual domination phone sex where he is my sweet little sissy bitch and I use my shiny black strap on for a few minutes of strap on phone sex. Sometimes he likes a bit of humiliation phone sex and small penis humiliation phone sex as well.Pick your poison and give me a call for your favorite mature phone sex fantasy!

Mommy Phone Sex

Hello, darlings.

One of the perks to being a mature phone sex lady is that many, many men want to speak with a more experienced woman like myself about their fantasies and fetishes. I, of course, relish this opportunity to discuss your turn-ons with you.

As it turns out, many men, both young and old, have Mommy phone sex fantasies. Every man knows that Mommy is the first woman he loves and feels close to. So it is only natural that he might want to become even more intimate with her.

Mommy Vivika really enjoys teaching all the little boys who call her about the pleasures that a man and a woman can share between them. I have spent many years teaching people various things, darling. It would be a cinch to teach you what you need to learn during our fetish phone sex call.

Oh, I can’t wait to speak with you, sweetie. Pick up your phone and call Mommy Vivika at 1-888-662-6482 for cheap phone sex with me.

AIM/Yahoo: MILFVivika

Mommy Phone Sex

My breasts are sore.  Did you know that happens to women?  It can be for any one of a few reasons, but after childbirth, it’s the discomfort of having milk that needs to be given to a newborn.

And for my Mommy fetish boys, they know that’s what I suffer from.  If only I had some hungry infant to feed, some little boy who just needs his Phone Sex Mommy to latch onto me and grope around until he finds his dinner.

Then his mouth instinctively finds the nipple and I get sweet relief as the warm momma’s milk goes into his belly.  That’s what I need.  And that’s what you need too, isn’t it?  A little diaper play, and then when you’re all full of Mommy Bianca’s milk, then we can open up your diaper and get you some relief as well. That’s my good little ADBL boy.

After all, mommy’s milk is making you a growing boy!  And I bet if I look in your diaper we’ll see just how big a boy you are.  Because when Mommy Bianca says she can take care of her baby’s every need, she means it.  Even the most taboo ones.

So give me a call, baby boy.  So we can both feel better.

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Follow me on Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Cuckold Humiliation Fetish

My husband’s little sister got married last weekend.
She’s a pretty little thing, but totally devoid of any of my humiliation fetish phonesex tendencies.
Her husband, on the other hand, was exactly what this cuckold phonesex fetish MILF wanted in the family.
Although it wasn’t an interracial phonesex addition to the tradition of cuckold family fun phonesex, I initiated him into the family cuckold phonesex tradition.
At the hotel the night before the wedding, my husband and I had the hotel room right next to the happy couple.
I made sure that I was extra loud and descriptive as I was directing my husband in our forced bicurious phonesex threesome with my big black cuckold phonesex bellboy.
The next morning, before the wedding, my husband took his sister and the rest of his family to breakfast, and I was left to my own cuckold fetish phonesex devices.
A dripping creampie phonesex fetish MILF and a sexy man in the next hotel room?

Cuckold Humiliation Fetish Phonesex for those with a hot milf fetish.


1 888 662 6482

Strap On Phonesex

Strap on play is one of the most requested fantasies I come across. I enjoy strap on phonesex and being in control, having a man in that sort of position has so many possibilities…

I’ve had strap on fetish phonesex calls with all different kinds of fetishes mixed in, even roleplaying. That’s when I like roleplay phonesex the best, when their is a strap on twist, that’s when things get interesting. Getting fucked with a strap on can be sensual or it can be kinky or both….really it can be whatever we both want it too. If you have a strap on fetish and want to see if you can handle a session with me and one of my many strap ons then call me for all your fetish phonesex needs; I’m always glad to play out your strap on phonesex or anal training fantasy.

CumOnChristina on AIM / 1-888-662-6482 to call me

Click here for my fetish phonesex site.

Mature Phone Sex

I love anal sex.  Certainly not my first time, and probably not my fourth, but with practice and determination, I found anal sex quite pleasurable.  In fact, I recommend it.  Would your phone sex mommy steer you wrong?  Of course not.

There’s only one rule in this phone sex teacher’s bed for anal sex.   You first.

What?  It’s only fair.  You want to reap the benefits, then I get to rape yours.  LOL

You think I’m kidding.  It’s amazing to watch the different emotions go across a man’s face when you dangle the carrot of your ass in front of him, only to make the condition of fucking him first.  Most don’t go for it.  Then you have to tell amazing butt fuck stories of your own posterior and of the boys whom you’ve penetrated.  It all gets a bit tiresome, but really, there’s nothing tighter and hotter than a woman’s pert bottom.  And nothing else feels like ass fucking feels when you learn to like it.

So I tell you what.  You want my ass?  You first.  And if you like it, I promise not to tell anyone.  At first.  I mean if you’re really into being humiliated, then I’m telling everyone just to see if humiliation fetish is your thing.  But seriously, your prostate is one of my favorite places, and I know just what to do with it, and you will have the most intense orgasm that you have ever had.

And when you recover, I’ll let you blow a load in my ass.

So what’s it going to be?  Is it worth your first potential feminization to take me from behind, in the behind?

The choice is yours, but if it makes you feel better, we can start with something small.  LOL

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Follow me on Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Phone Sex : Live Fetish Phone Sex