Hey guys. It’s Christmas so I hope you are going to spoil me rotten with presents and hot phone sex. I’ve done all my own shopping already, and I even got to meet Santa! Well, I did more than meet Santa. I’ve picked up a second job being one of his little elves down at the mall! And let me tell you, he was VERY interested in seeing what was in MY stockings.
Santa is a very bad boy. He’s CONSTANTLY trying to grope me and put his hand up my little elf skirt. And every time I bend down, I can see him looking down my shirt. I know he likes my tits, cause he tries to grab them every chance he gets.
Anyway, yesterday Santa said he had a present for me. He said I had to follow him to get my present. He gave me the prettiest pair of earrings. But the next thing I knew he had grabbed my wrist and said, “Come with me, Abby. We need to discuss MY gift.” He pulled me into a supply closet and then he closed the door behind us. In a flash, he pulled down his pants, whipped out his cock and said, “On your knees, slut.” I didn’t know Santa wanted gifts in return, but this was a gift I didn’t mind.
Wanna hear how this story ended up? I’m not gonna tell ya but lets just say I put the ho in ‘ho ho ho’ yesterday and the turkey won’t be the only thing to get stuffed over Christmas. I have another meeting with Santa planned. Give me a call and I’ll share ALL the juicy details with you. Maybe I could even have phone sex with Santa!!