18Teen Phone Sex

HOLY SMOKES! I totally did bad thing today. Really bad things, things a little phone sex teen like me really really shouldn’t do. Things that involve like several guys a lot of cum and pigtails! Man I was so bad, but guess what! I want more! I didn’t get enuff and I totally want to play with you! How about I leave my pigtails in and go put on some naughty little school girl outfit and we can play Teacher and student and you can teach me all about sex while you make me earn that A+ I want so bad? I’m totally up for some fun taboo phone sex role-play how about you?

Young Voice 18Teen Phone Sex Girl

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want the Young Voice Cutie named Crystal!

Pregnant Phone Sex Fetish

Happy hour after yoga, and the MILFS and I were celebrating one of our gang’s pregnancy.  Truthfully, I was celebrating the fact that I WASN’T pregnant, but you get the idea.  It’ll be baby shower time, sooner or later, and my standard gift of sex coupons will be bestowed on the mommy-to-be.

What?  I’m supposed to give something to the little rug ape?  He doesn’t have a personality yet, how can you buy him a gift?  Look, she’s going to be overwhelmed with raising the kid to even think about sex, and I’m giving her and her man a way to make it a priority during that hectic time.  They’ll both thank me eventually, they always do.

But I am your Mommy Bianca.  And even though I didn’t give birth to you, your Mommy loves you like her own.  She will mother you and coddle you with mommy phone sex, and even change your diaper if you like the comfort of diaper play.  I love all my boys… over and over again if they know how to behave.

So while pregnant sex is something the alternative phone sex mommy can only do as taboo phone sex (and I do hear that sex with a pregnant woman is incredible on your cock) I still have kids of my own.  From training my poppets to becoming men to changing the diaper on an adult baby.  I’m all the Mommy you need and all the Mommy I want to be.

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Big Ass Worship Phonesex

Hey Sexy Men!
When I was out shopping the other day, trying on some sweet little matching Victoria’s Secret panties and bra, the dressing room door was open just a bit, and I caught the eye of another woman’s boyfriend.
When I came out, he watched me shop, then whispered “You have got the best ass I have ever seen.”
Big ass.
Thick ass.
Round ass.
Bubble Butt
I’ve heard it all, and I love the fact that I have a big fat ass.
There’s just something about a girl with long legs, big titties, and a big fat ass that is just too sexy!
Want a taste of a juicy fat ass?
Call me!
1 888 662 6482

Naughty Cuckhold Fetish

Your tiny peckered ass just has to get in the way. Your place was between his legs, licking the drippy cum off the sides of my ass cheeks and sucking his balls clean while the BBC fucked me.

Naughty cuckhold, trying to get in the way of me getting my phone sex fat ass pounded by his Big black cock.

Don’t you worry your pretty little sph fetish. You are going to get your turn.
You need to feel like you are me. You want to take it like a bitch, needing to suck off a man, right in front of your woman.

Be naughty, be baaaaad, be a small penis humiliated phone sex cuck.
Be good and call me!
Morgan 1-888-662-6482
AIM and YIM: MorganMilf

Cuckold phonesex

My boyfriend just found out that ive been a very bad girl lately, and the thought of my tight pussy being fucked by a big black cock just made him exploded…(teehee)

The thought of watching me mounted and stuffed full of BBC is his absolute cuckold fetish. Those forced bi situations are the thing that all naughty girls like me dream of. That’s what real phone sexgirls can make u do whether you want to or not…  

Call me up : 1-888-662-6482

Aim: kendalluvsdaddy

Phone Sex Roleplays

Phone Sex roleplays,I love them! You never know what is going to happen or who you could become! Last week I was asked to be a pharmacist at a private drugstore. My caller needed a little help with his first time using a certain little blue pill! He was a bit reluctant to pick it up and embarrased that he would need such a thing, but with a few gentle words and caresses,he was putty in my hands. Seeing as he was the last customer of the day, I locked the doors and took him into the employee lounge where I discovered a delightful surprise behind his zipper. I had to deepthroat that dick! We did many thing during the course of our phone sex roleplay including letting him explore his ass fucking fantasy! I assure you there was mutual masturbation involved because that man had my pussy so juicy wet and on fire! Now I am curious to know what is your phone sex fantasy. Ask for Ayla, your Asian phone sex goddess.

taboo phonesex roleplays


its me daniiii!!!

wiggles me bum at the pervie old men dressed as santa’s

guess what i did today? go ahead guess!!! bet you cant guess.

i went to the mall today with my bestest friend. we got in line to sit on santa’s lap. you know what santa is a pervert! he was trying to look up my skirt when i got near him for photo time. then when i sat on his lap he asked what this 18teen phone sex girl wanted. so i leaned in an told him. he felt my little boobs! he super pervie. but you know what he is just like the dirty old men i talk to on the phone. yup! cuz when i told him how i like to talk dirty on the phone. he smiled an said it was ok he liked dirty phone sex girls. yay! i whispered what dirty taboo phonesex roleplays i really liked to do. i bet i get a big vibrator under the tree.

wiggles n giggles DANI!!!!

1-888-662-6482 ask for dani the girl with the young phone sex voice

Germ Chasing Phonesex

Germ Chaser Phone Sex

Some germ chasers know what they want, other germ chasers need to be tricked into sucking and fucking dirty dick.
Men sucking cock is something most of the men I torture crave, and I am only to happy to watch a “straight” man covered in cum, gagging on yet another thick hard cock, begging for more bareback dick.
And this is where my sadistic tendencies come into play.
Yes, sucking cock does make you a faggot.
And I will make you my cock sucking bareback faggot bitch.
Last weekend, I seduced, teased, belittled and shamed a “straight” man into sucking cock for me, in order to get a chance at my tight white Aryan pussy.
Of course, in addition to the usual presents, I desired him to suck bareback cock for me, in a roomful of men.
I knew that many of the cocks he was sucking were HIV positive.
Did he?
He knows me, and my penchants for fulfilling dark taboos, with a vicious twist.

Germ Chasing Phonesex with a sick phone fetish Aryan Queen.


Call Set Up: AIM SickPhoneFetish

1 888 662 6482

Fetish Phone Sex

Fucking in a grocery store parking lot.  Hell yeah.

Oh, not me.  We just watched the fuck out of some though.  LOL

He was giving it to her pretty good.  Standard stuff, back seat, you know the deal.  I mean, there’s only so many positions you can accomplish in a back seat, plus add the exhibitionist fetish, and you’ve got to sacrifice artistry for speed.

They had a small crowd gathered, but big enough that we were drawing attention.  So they didn’t have long once we had them surrounded and cheered them on.  He gave her a nice big cream pie before it was all over, but the best part was that they were true exhibitionists.  They smiled and waved and laughed with us.  I love seeing stuff like that.  People who love fucking, doing what they love.

And how cool was it that they were both over 60!  LOLOLOL

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!


Yahoo ID: playwithquinn

AIM ID: playwithquinn

Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn

Big Tit Phone Sex

Okay, I will outright admit I’m a slut.  I don’t think any of you will be surprised by that, lol.  Lately, I’ve been going out with friends a lot.  There’s this little place we LOVE to go!  Bar on one side, dance club on the other.  I may not be the slimmest girl there, but most of the time, I am definitely the most busty 🙂  I know some girls get jealous and wouldn’t want me to show off my clevage..but not these girls!  Honestly, I think they know that trying to cover these things up would be next to impossible 😉  But hey, more guys coming over to dance with us just means a better choice, if you know what I mean 😉

I know that’s why most of you cheap phone sex fiends call me up.  You want live phone sex with a big tit phone sex girl that is willing to do ANYTHING you desire.  And since, at least in my little world, there’s no such thing as taboo phone sex…you know you’ve come to the right place 😉

AIM & YIM: BustyKittyVal

Phone Sex : Live Fetish Phone Sex