MILF Phone Sex

Sure, I’m the goth phone sex mommy, and your taboo phone sex queen, but this confidence wasn’t always there.  Can you imagine me as a submissive?  I can sometimes play that role, and will do it in person or for phone sex role-playing, but it’s only an occasional thing.

But when I was younger and wilder (hard to imagine, right?), I was just happy to be sexually adventurous.  I didn’t put a lot of thought into it if I was enjoying myself.  For example, I didn’t think it submissive to fuck my boss every morning before work, although he viewed it differently.  But I was a kid in a high power law firm and drunk (forced intoxication perhaps?) on men in suits and millions changing hands weekly.

When I got hired on, I quickly became the secretary of his dreams.  I’d type a little to make some work related noise before getting buzzed back to his office for some hot office sex.  No two days were ever alike, and I was getting laid like a motherfucker.  Men with power usually know how to fuck.

Eventually we had a routine where I’d meet him at 6:30am every morning, wearing sweats and my office clothes in a bag, the same as him.  Once he unlocked the office door I was quickly naked and presented myself to him in various ways, and we’d go until about 8:30 when we’d clean up and dress.  Everyone thought I was a go-getter for being there early every morning.  LOL

I have plenty of stories from those days, but when he asked me to hide under the desk and blow him while clients came in and out, I said no.  I don’t mind humiliation now, but I’ve never wanted to be on the receiving end of it.  And poppets, he fucked me 5-10 times a week but it never felt demeaning until then.

But now I’m a MILF, and I work hard for the money.  That means I have my own office and desk with very thick soundproof walls.  And if you don’t mind a little humiliation, you can crawl under Mistress Bianca’s desk and do everything she tells you to do.

Better hurry, I’ve got a meeting in a few minutes…

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca

18Teen Phone Sex

Date night, baby!  That’s right, my Old Man, that cute fuzzy wuzzy teddy bear of mine is getting a bedfull of Shyann tonight, and I need help with what to wear.  Can you guys help me?

I know you like young phone sex girls, and so does he!  I like older men too, because BOYS don’t know how to fuck, they just know to fuck a lot and hope they get better at it.  Well my Old Man is past that stage and now lays his experience on you, instead of looking for you to give him some experience.

SO!  I totally need to look hot tonight when sexy time starts.  I can’t wear it out of the house OMG that would be the fast track to Not Laid Town, if my parents saw their little college girl phone sex princess dressed like that!

I gotta stuff it in my bag, and then put it on just for him, like later.  So what do I wear?  A corset?  Stockings?  Bra and panties?  I’ve worn and done just about everything with him, so I need some new ideas! 

Call me and tell me what to wear!  And I promise to put it on while we talk on the phone, you know just to make sure it fits… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to corrupt Shyann!


Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990

Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex

taboo roleplay phonesex

hiii guys!!!! i’ve been having a great summer and so much fun on the phone too! its pretty awesome!! one thing i actually really love doing lately is going running or working out!! seriously, i mean yeah its good for you and all that!! hehe but i love my summer time work out clothes lolol but its kinda wrong to call them clothes, too little material to be actual clothing hehe. more like panties, i love going running pretty early in the morning because its not to hot and a lot of older men are leaving for work and i just know my cute little ass and my *real* titties in a little sports bra and work out booty shorts have to make your morning a little better or worse maybe because you have to go to work and can’t chase my cute little 19teen phonesex ass down and do what you totally know you want to do to it!!! lolol see, stuff like that makes for awesome taboo phonesex roleplaying and anything goes phonesex fantasies. i bet you can totally name like a few times where you’ve seen a girl you really wanted but couldn’t have because it was too naughty and taboo, well let’s do the next best thing…roleplay it!!! as dirty and naughty as you want it because i am a no taboos phonesex girl!!! but you guys know that right? thought so lolol, anyway, call me and let’s play!!!

~ Missy ~


click on either one of my pictures to see my site!

Tease and Denial Phone Sex

I’m at the cellular place trying to get my phone fixed.  The guy is giving me a hard time because this keeps happening, and I’m giving him a hard time because I keep having to come in.

Then he gets it close to his face and sniffs.  He asks me, what’s this smell?  I’m like, I don’t know, all I know is it won’t vibrate anymore.  And I try to look all innocent, which is kinda hard for me.

He wasn’t going to help me until I explained that one of my callers likes knowing that when my phone goes off, that it gets me off.  So yeah, I kinda put it in my pussy a lot.  And the guy is like, you do cheap phone sex, seriously?  I said I do it all, baby.  Sissy boys, panty boys, tease and denial, the whole bit.

He gave me a new phone.  Figures.  I had to give him my number though.  LOL

But a cute brunette from the other end of the counter slipped me hers!  A real girl next door type.  I know who’s going on my speed dial first…


Yahoo ID: playwithquinn

AIM ID: playwithquinn

Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn

Phone Sex Mommy

You kids with your internet and your iphones and your twatter and whatever it’s called.  You have no idea how easy you have it.  When I was your age, I had to actually talk to people face to face to get to know them.  And if there was some sexual perversion I wanted to try, I had to actually SAY IT OUT LOUD.  LOL

And with that comes a kind of sexual fearlessness.  And I see that lacking in the young men of today.  They keep their perversions to themselves, and type it out in instant messaging programs and chat rooms and on personals websites.  Now I’m sure these fine upstanding young men are coming to grips (HAH!) with what they’re into, but I can’t help thinking that a sort of sexual shame is being reinforced here.

Take the adult baby.  If a man wants to confess to wearing a diaper for more than incontinence, that his thing is diaper play, and that he needs a phone sex mommy to feed him and coo over him, that takes some serious balls.  The fact that those balls are filling a diaper should be held against him.

It’s the same way with panty boys, sissy boys, the guys into age play or family play.  As long as no one is being harmed (notice I didn’t say “hurt,” this alternative phone sex mommy also has a set of vampire phone sex fangs) then it should be fair game. 

So get rid of the shame, slide on that diaper, that pair of panties and look me in the eye and tell me what you are.  Or failing that, or if you just want to practice a bit, call me.  Because when Mommy Bianca isn’t surfing the net, at work with her smartphone or twittering her status, she likes to hear the voice of her brave, sexually confident callers!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca

18Teen Phone Sex

Laundry day and I caught the little fucker!   YES!!!  My little brother was messing about in the clothes hamper and totally was sniffing my panties, dude!!   This is awesome!!  Like, I’m not going to be all tease and denial, like I do with you guys on my bratty phone sex tease calls, because that would be weird.  But catching that little fucker sniffing my dirty panties was sweet sweet revenge.  I’ve got him six ways from Sunday now!

He was all embarrassed, like I’d walked in on him jacking off or something.  I wonder if it was something he’d done for a while or just a one time thing.  LOL  Maybe I should ask him, right?

Now this makes me think of some of you taboo phone sex fuckers out there, and I’ll admit, I’m one kinky coed that likes to learn some new stuff.  So if walking in on your sniffing my panties is a turn on, and you like the idea of being my brother, then I’ve got some no taboo role play phone sex for you!

I’m not all that experienced, but if you think you’ve got what it takes to corrupt me, then the hamper’s over there, Bro! 

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to corrupt Shyann!


Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990

Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex

Anything Goes Phonesex

I’m into fetish phonesex, obviously. But I’m also into what would be considered anything goes phonesex. The kind of calls that have no limits or taboos. I think the unrestricted is really hot. I’m very open minded and experienced but I’m also honest, I’ve always seen myself as someone you can talk to and get actual responses from, not just moans and groans. Though I do moan from time to time I offer more than just traditional “dirty talking” or roleplaying too.

Sometimes my favorite type of phonesex call is a conversation. Sharing experiences, thoughts or even advice. Sometimes it’s sexual and kinky, sometimes it’s not. I’ve been interested in erotica since I was a teenager. Collecting erotica of all sorts is actually a hobby of mine. I have a bookshelf full of Penthouse Letters in my living room, people see them and maybe half or so of them assume I’m being ironic the other half know me well enough to know I’m not. I’m being me, the fetish phonesex lover who is always intrigued by erotica and fantasies but also real life experiences and fetishes and never limiting the consideration of anything.

Taboo phonesex, phonesex fetishes and erotic conversations seem to be my areas of expertise.

CumOnChristina on AIM / 1-888-662-6482 to call me

Click here for my fetish phonesex site.

Black Cock Phonesex

Can we talk about big black cock for a second? Well, I’m actually going to need way more than a second because I am so fucking addicted to interracial phonesex. Fuck yeah — and Black Steele knows this. How? It’s obvious but I’m a redhead phonesex whore with the filthiest mouth you’ve ever dreamed of fucking and I am 100% anything goes so I’ll spell it out for you — Black Steele fuck me like he owns me and you know, he fucking does if you think about it. I’ll do anything to have the massive black cock of his inside me. The phonesex cuckolds are about to bust a nut right now just hearing it this far but believe this anything goes phonesex slut when I say Black Steele makes me cum so fucking hard and loud and good and nasty. He knows I’ll be naked and grinding my pale porcelain ass and pink pussy all over that fat black dick just begging to get pounded. I get so wet when he slaps his massive black rod again my face. The way Black Steele tells me he’s going to ruin me for all you white boys is so goddamn delicious because I’m not entirely sure he’s teasing me. I don’t think he is at all in fact. And it’s no empty threat either — grudge fucking phonesex, black cock phonesex, anything goes phonesex, no taboos phonesex — whatever the fuck you want to call; I crave it. I need it. Black Steele knows my firepussy is always burning for his big black cock and now you do too. What are you going to do with that info? Jack that fucking cock to it, right? You must already have guessed that jacking off me is going to be a fuck ton more fun than doing it alone.

My Site — anything goes phonesex with a redheaded fetish phonesex whore Genevieve

My Number1-888-662-6482

Cuckold Phone Sex

New cuckolds for the teasing!  God I love that, it gets me revved up and wanting dick even more.  They just opened the pool in my apartment complex and I was out there a little early.  Early enough that the pool dudes were still checking it out before the season started.  Anyway, I got my bikini on, and the tits ready for attention, and my suntan oil and wasn’t leaving just because they were doing maintenance.

It’s not like I was in the way, either.  How could a girl pulling her top down be in the way?  Or asking them to oil my tits and ass so I don’t get sunburned?  That’s not in the way.  That’s tease and denial, maybe.  But laying your hands on this hungry body should never be an inconvenience.

Eventually it was pretty obvious that I was going to be the only person at the pool that day.  And it was pretty obvious that they were hot for me.  Nice bulges, and looked like some big dick trapped in there, too. 

So in my chair in the corner I start rubbing my pussy underneath the fabric of my bikini.  You totally couldn’t see my pussy, but I know a wet spot was forming and my fingers were sliding around under the fabric.  Finally, they faced me and I tell them to get a little closer.  I tell them I can’t come unless I see some dick and that they should whip it out.  They can look but they can’t touch.  Out come the dicks, and I was right, pretty big dicks for white guys.  Still I’m getting hotter and closer to the edge and we’ve got this mutual masturbation thing going on.  Tease and denial taken to its logical conclusion is cuckolding baby.  And these brand new cuckolds were watching me, and begging to fuck me, but I wouldn’t let them. 

And when my boyfriend with the big black dick came home from work and parked near the pool, he knew what the deal was.  To seal the cuckold deal he came in the pool area, told the guys that they were fine doing what they were doing, and gave me a quickie fuck that I can still feel!

Two new cuckolds and a nice base tan.  What a great way to start the summer!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!


Yahoo ID: playwithquinn

AIM ID: playwithquinn

Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn

Mature Phone Sex

Babysitter phone sex is something I love.  I did plenty of it for extra cash during my early sex life.  So when you call me, I’ll quickly figure out if you need the strict disciplinarian, getting you to do your homework, getting you to bed on time, and exactly what your punishment will be if you don’t do these things.

Or maybe you need the wild and crazy babysitter, who just can’t wait to get the parents out of the house so she can stalk her boyfriend (true story I’m sorry to say LOL) or maybe realize that we’re not all that far apart in age, you know?

And either way, I’m sure we can find some fun things to do until the folks get back.  If you get caught masturbating for the strict babysitter well then, I’ll show how to really beat that thing, and I’m not talking about guided masturbation, either.

But the wild and crazy chick?  If we get started, I bet you can go a few rounds before I gotta get out of here.  That’s the best thing about being young, all that raw sexual energy just bursting out.  What?  You’re a virgin


So, you better call before I get booked into someone else’s house and end up having to babysit some other kid in the neighborhood…  Phone sex role playing, anyone?

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Phone Sex : Live Fetish Phone Sex