Cuckold Phone Sex

Face down, ass up, that’s the way we like to fuck!  It’s like a cheer!  It makes a nice rhythm, almost the same beat that a big black cock makes when it’s fucking my ass. 

BBC is an important part of any white slut’s diet.  Seriously, there should be like, doctor’s labels and nutritional information underneath them.  Maybe on the taint, so I don’t get distracted when I’m sucking dick.  LOL

It’s like the perfect food.  Big black dick fills you up and is completely not fattening.  The exercise you get worshipping it burns off those pesky love handles and hefting it to your mouth is like lifting weights!

I could write a diet and exercise plan book and get on a talk show.  We would talk about big dick and show one to all those housewives in the audience and maybe talk about the ways that you could get some big dick, and start your new regimen.

You’d need a healthy supply though, because while big black dicks are always horny, they have to sleep sometime, and if you get hungry in the middle of the night, you need something to satisfy your cravings!  LOL

I even have white BOYS call me to talk about being black cock cuckolds.  This is awesome.  This means that black cock is no myth in its power and potency.  It is the cure for all ills!  Big black dick forever!!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!


Yahoo ID: playwithquinn

AIM ID: playwithquinn

Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn

Taboo Phone Sex

Hiya, boys!!!! How are y’all? I’m fantastic! Finals start this week (which sucks). But that means it’ll be summer break super-soon, so I can’t complain too much, right?

Anyway, I’m taking random breaks from studying to take all your awesome cheap phone sex calls!

Like, when I’m studying there are good distractions and bad distractions. Bad distractions are, like, when the neighbors are partying and have their radio up way too loud or when some lame dude is blowing up my phone with texts 23852935204689 times a day.

But GOOD distractions are when my sorority sisters show up with the stuff to make daiquiris or when one of y’all calls me for taboo phone sex!

I’m all about that. 😀

I dunno why, but lately, that’s what this 19 teen phone sex girl has been in the mood for. Something really twisted and naughty, y’know?

Whether it’s a kinky roleplay or family fun or whatever, y’all never disappoint me!

I know I can always count on y’all to be the naughtiest boys with the dirtiest fantasies. I also know that I can tell y’all all my deep, dark fantasies, too, and y’all won’t, like, freak out or anything. And that’s why I <3 my callers so much!

So, anyways, if y’all are ready for some fun with this kinky coed with a super young phone sex voice, then call me, Kylie! I can definitely use a few more GOOD distractions! 😉

AIM: kyliecutie89
Yahoo: kyliecutie8989

18teen Phone Sex

OMG I just found out my mom is a crotchwatcher!  That’s like seven layers of gross, dude!  We’re in the car, and she’s driving, and a guy walks in front of our car at the intersection and she’s like, “Hm, that’s a big one,” and I like vomited all over the place.  Well ok, no I didn’t, but I wanted to, because knowing that my mom is a size queen is like gross.  I don’t want to know anything about her shriveled up genitals, or walk on the beach and talk about douching or any of that stuff.

I don’t consider myself a size queen or a crotchwatcher, but then I started thinking about it.  I’ve told you guys in my 18teen phone sex calls that I go to class but I’m usually bored and staring off into space.  But it’s true that when sitting in one’s desk, being a cute little school girl phone sex chick on the down low, that when you’re fucking bored by geography and staring off into space, that the professor’s crotch is pretty much right at eye level.

And I do get the occasional teacher student roleplay fantasies in my head, and it all pretty much started from their dick being in my face.  So am I a crotchwatcher after all?  Does it run in the family?  Is it in my genes and shit to check out guy’s dicks?  The reason I ask is occasionally I fuck my professors and it’s mainly because after staring at their dick instead of the map of Africa or whatever, I kinda feel obligated.  OMG I am not a tease!  Unless you’re into the tease and denial thing, dude!

Because if I’ve got the crotchwatching gene then I’m going to have to go to meetings or some shit so that I never turn into a crotchaholic like my mom! 

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to corrupt Shyann! 


Yahoo: shygrl1990 —– AIM: shygrrl1990 

Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex

Taboo Phone Sex

Darlings, I was just speaking with a sweet young man by the name of Dillon. Once I heard him say Mama Morgan in a quiet nervous sounding voice, I thought I was going to have another one of those shy pansy phone sex boys. The type of sissy boy that makes every sort of woman regardless of her race or class status just hates meeting.

Thank GOD that Dillon is not that sort of phone sex sub. No this little rascal loves pretending to be in control. He likes to pretend to be the man of the house and treat Mama like his very own real life sexy girlfriend. My very taboo phone sex subbie likes to try topping from the bottom.

When Mama Morgan is the Phone Sex Mommy of the house, I am the lady of the house. I am the one who decides when it is special phone sex mommy nap time and when it is time for her sissy boy to do as she says. Mama Morgan is the one who only gives her special love to those young man who are special.

Darling, are you special enough for your taboo phone sex mommy?

Mama Morgan 1-888-662-6482
AIM and YIM: MorganMilf
Chubby Taboo Phone Sex Mommy

Cheap Phone Sex

Everyone likes to watch their money , but everyone also likes to splurge on themselves too! Cheap phone sex is a great way to get rid of all that tention and think about yourself for a few minutes and feel pleasure. And we all have kinky  phone sex desires. Phone sex roleplay can always set a few of your inhibitions free! Being the cock loving phone sex slut that I am , I can be your sensual domme or your submissive  Asian phone whore. You can always come share your secret phone sex fetishes with me!

Read my Blog

Contact me AIM&Yahoo GetAddicted2Ayla

Gangbang Coed Phone Sex

College Girl Phone SexThis weekend was such a blast! I went to a frat party with some of my sorority sisters Saturday night and it was SO much fun. I’ll admit, I’m a party girl… what’s wrong with that? I’m young, free and having fun. So what’s the harm? I’m horny all the time, so why shouldn’t I spread my legs and work what I’ve got, right? And trust me, it comes in handy being such a dirty slut… it’s the main reason I became a phone sex girl!

I ended up doing something I’ve never done before… I had a gang bang with 4 of the jocks who’ve been after my sweet pussy for a long time. I was a little drunk, but it seemed like a great idea at the time. I love being the center of attention and a raunchy slut, so it all came naturally. I’ve had threesomes before with two guys, but four was pure heaven. Being the oversexed little slut I am, it was just what I needed to get me off. Usually, I’m left hanging a bit. One man just can’t satisfy me when I get the hot crotch!

I know you’re dying to know all the dirty little details… why don’t you give me a call. But I’ll have to swear you to secrecy… I don’t want my house mother to know what a dirty little whore I am!

Kinky Kira
On Yahoo: kinkyslutkira
Email Me Your Fantasy
Gangbang Phone Sex<

Phone Sex Mommy

Cloth or disposable?  This is an important question to the adult baby fetishist and diaper enthusiast.  Their whole fantasy hinges on being able to regress to a time in their childhood when they had not a care in the world, when they were nothing but want and need and instinct.

The diaper is crucial to this.  While I fuss and coo over them I can talk about he details of either going to the store for more, or waiting for the diaper service to drop off more nappies, that kind of thing.

The changing of a diaper is a ritual for these men, and I am an expert at it, having been the phone sex Auntie figure, phone sex Babysitter, or Mom’s Best Friend.  But the deepest connection is when I am their phone sex Mommy and will take complete care of them and raise them as one of my own. 

And once these adult baby diaper lovers get the release they crave, they are wrapped up tight and snug in a brand new, clean and comfy diaper!  But Mommy Bianca has one more slot in her nursery open… could that be yours? It’s Monday poppets, time for all you ABDL boys to come get your diapers changed after the long weekend without your phone sex mommy.

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca  –  AIM ID: sinfulbianca   –  Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Tease and Denial Phone Sex

Tell me something.  Do I have the words “I’ll be your first lesbian encounter in the ladies room” written on my forehead?  It took me a while to put the two together, but apparently I do.

I have multiple stories of fooling around in ladies’ rooms that sound a lot like my 2 girl phone sex calls.  Some are hot, some are silly, in some we make it all the way, in others we don’t get very far.  The point is that for some reason that I’ll never understand, after a lot of them they tell me that they’ve never done stuff like that before.

What the fuck?  Don’t get me all worked up and then tell me you don’t know what you’re doing afterwards.  That’s like tease and denial for a woman.  If you’re going to make out with me in a ladies room stall, and risk getting caught for a quick munch or fast fingering, and then tell me you’re new to it, that’s like a boner killer for me. 

I’m expecting something hot and heavy when we get home and instead I’m going to be teaching your newbie ass.  Can you tell this happened AGAIN last night?  I’ve got enough 2 girl phone sex lovers out there who would enjoy it, but seriously, it just makes me roll my eyes at this point. 

Hey I know!  Let me get an experienced bisexual slut on the phone, and work out my frustrations!  You can listen in too, I don’t care.  But if I’m in a cuckolding mood, don’t expect to get any!!  LOL

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!


Yahoo ID: playwithquinn / AIM ID: playwithquinn

Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn

18Teen Phone Sex

Please stop asking if I am for real!  I get that all the time!  I tell other chicks that I suck a mean dick, and they’re like, are you for real?  And then I tell my old men that he can put it in my ass, and he’s like are you for real?  And then I make passes at my dad’s best friend when dad’s getting another beer and the dude is all, are you for real?

*SIGH* WTF man?  I am a cute teen who does coed phone sex and I am definitely for real.  I put penises in my vagina and booty and hot teen mouth.  I don’t know why this is so hard to understand!

Am I the only girl like me?  Am I weird?  I hope not, because all my bratty tease phone sex callers like me just the way I am.  And my Old Man likes me just the way I am, too!  And the other chicks at school CANNOT GIVE HEAD IF YOU FORCED THEM AT GUNPOINT.  Sorry bitches, but its true.

So I guess I’m a one of a kind!  That’s ok, though.  I have lots of men both in real life and during my anything goes phone sex calls, who have plenty of horniness built up and need to take it out on a cute 18teen phone sex princess like me.  That’s what I’m here for dude!  I talk to your cock and it talks back to me!  LOL  What’s it got to say, dude?  Get your dick out and dial!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to corrupt Shyann!


Yahoo: shygrl1990 AIM: shygrrl1990 

Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex

Voyeur Fetish

hey there cheap phone sex lovers!

now like its one thing when i watch YOU on your webcam and you are all dolled up for me. Ooooh Yeaaaaaa! YOU know who you are, ha ha ha! because, like ya know how much i love to be the hot chick, rubbin my wet mound as i peek into your world of satin and lace, bra’s and panty boy phone sex, all the pretty stockings and pantyhose fetish that ya have and

when the time is right. no one is home. and its just me and you and the phonesex and your webcam. and you spread yourself on your pretty pink comforter and begin fucking your ass with that special toy i love to watch you use…….

and wow, hot damn! my sexy voice steams up my own computer screen because i am watching you intently. all of me feels how you feel, so pretty and sexy, a little slutty. reminds me when i was younger, and i would dress with the curtains open and i could see my neighbor’s older brother’s watching me. peeping tom fetish, *giggles*, voyeur fetish, its not even about sneaking around anymore, panty boys like you love girls like me, who love to watch slutty boys like you all dolled up.

dont forget your crotchless panties!

X’s and Oh’s
Phone Sex Girlfriend
AIM: lucysdelights
YIM: lucy.delight

Phone Sex : Live Fetish Phone Sex