Can you sue for sexual harassment if you sexually harass them back? Or is it too late at that point? I got a thing going on with my boss at my second job, but I think I won in the end. Literally.
So he’s all flirty and jokey and stuff and he’s totally not my type. I mean the guy I tend bar with isn’t my type either, but the huge schlong he’s got in his jeans makes up for it. This will come into play later. Anyway the manager is totally hitting on me, and has been doing it since day one. I’m easy, baby… but I’m not desperate.
He finally went too far when he grabbed my ass. No one grabs my ass in public that I haven’t fucked. I tell him to go to his office and I’ll join him there in a minute. Then I tell my fellow bartender what’s up, and that we may get fired for this, and if he doesn’t want to go along with it, that’s cool.
He’s down, since bartending jobs are a dime a dozen. Anyway, I march into the manager’s office alone, and start teasing him, like I do to you guys during my sensual domination phone sex calls. You know, making him think that I’m in charge, but eventually his dick will be warm and wet if he just waits long enough. Then I start peeling off the clothes.
He’s got his hands on his crotch, which only looks average size, so no way would I fuck it in the first place. When the panties hit the floor, I call in my buddy. His huge hard (and white, can’t have everything) cock is out and ready, and he slams into me while I lean onto the boss’s desk. Holy hell, he was ripping into me. I propped one leg up on the desk so that the manager could get a good look at the action.
He didn’t pull his dick out to masturbate until my buddy slid into my ass. Then he started going at it, and I’m like, CUCKOLD ON AISLE 9, THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING. Then my buddy starts to jizz and I manage to force him out so he hits a little of the boss’s paperwork with his jizz. Then I put my finger in his face and I tell him not to grab my ass in public, because the only people who can touch it are the ones who are fucking it. And that my big black cock boyfriend will shank him if he does it again. I dressed, my buddy zipped up, and we were out of there to prepare for our shift.
I don’t’ know how he cleaned up the cum. But it makes me smile to think about. No one like a small cock cuckold like I do, baby! Don’t believe me? Get your dick out and dial!
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