18Teen Phone Sex

Thinking makes my head hurt.  That’s why I like fucking.  Fucking doesn’t take any thinking at all.  Just ask any BOY my age.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Srsly, dude.  Older Men use their noggin when they fuck, they’re all about positions, and protection, and kegels and lube and shit, and all I have to do is enjoy it.  Oh I like learning about sex, don’t get me wrong!  My coed phone sex callers love corrupting me!  And when we get into no limits phone sex calls, then baby, anything goes!

But that’s another thing in the long list of things I like about older men.  They have brains, meaning I just have to look fabulous!  HAHAHAHAHA

So, if you’re a young guy around my age and think you can impress me, you can give it a shot dude, but srsly, you got some stiff competition from the glasses wearing older men I normally get busy with.

Get busy dialing if you think you can pull it off, genius!  \o/  \o/

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to corrupt Shyann!


Yahoo: shygrl1990

AIM: shygrrl1990

Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex

Face Sitting Phone Sex

You think about it often. The scent, the taste , the juices flowing down. Thats right cheap phone sex lovers I am talking about strait up full on face sitting phone sex. You know this sweet pussy is ripe and ready for the eating! You can just imagine it lowering down slowly just there right above your mouth as you reach for it with your tongue, so close , yet so far. And you know the instant it touches ..pure bliss..for both of us. Some of you like a nice hot juicy cream pie , others just love the soft sweet shaved cunt  gliding back and forth on your face.The weight of my body smothering you as you lick and lick struggling to breath and make me cum so hard. Now you  Come tell me how do you like your pussy? We can have a bit of mutual masturbation fun while enjoying face sitting phone sex.You know you want this little Japanese phone sex slut to sit on that face of yours.
Get Addicted 2 Ayla  call 1-888-662-6482

Strap On Phonesex

Strap on play is one of the most requested fantasies I come across. I enjoy strap on phonesex and being in control, having a man in that sort of position has so many possibilities…

I’ve had strap on fetish phonesex calls with all different kinds of fetishes mixed in, even roleplaying. That’s when I like roleplay phonesex the best, when their is a strap on twist, that’s when things get interesting. Getting fucked with a strap on can be sensual or it can be kinky or both….really it can be whatever we both want it too. If you have a strap on fetish and want to see if you can handle a session with me and one of my many strap ons then call me for all your fetish phonesex needs; I’m always glad to play out your strap on phonesex or anal training fantasy.

CumOnChristina on AIM / 1-888-662-6482 to call me

Click here for my fetish phonesex site.

Foot Fetish Phonesex

Cheap Phone Sex

Hi to all the Kitten Ranch Phonesex foot phonesex fetish men!
At the request of one of my hour long phonesex footie fetish hotties, I wore my foot phonesex fetish rubber boots the whole day.
From the time I got out of bed, I put on my foot phonesex fetish rubber boots, without socks.
My smooth clean feet started to sweat, the more I walked and danced around and wiggled my toes  in those tight hot rubber boots.
As  the day wore on, lots of men were commenting on my boots.
It was a hot day, and every where I walked in my rubber boots, my toes squishing in my foot sweat, my feet got stinkier and stinker.
By lunch time, my feet had sweated so much in my rubber boots that you could here the sweat that bathed my feet.
Right now, you could drink the sweat out of  my foot phonesex fetish rubber boots with a straw!
Don’t you want to?
1 888 662 6482


Mature Phone Sex

I love anal sex.  Certainly not my first time, and probably not my fourth, but with practice and determination, I found anal sex quite pleasurable.  In fact, I recommend it.  Would your phone sex mommy steer you wrong?  Of course not.

There’s only one rule in this phone sex teacher’s bed for anal sex.   You first.

What?  It’s only fair.  You want to reap the benefits, then I get to rape yours.  LOL

You think I’m kidding.  It’s amazing to watch the different emotions go across a man’s face when you dangle the carrot of your ass in front of him, only to make the condition of fucking him first.  Most don’t go for it.  Then you have to tell amazing butt fuck stories of your own posterior and of the boys whom you’ve penetrated.  It all gets a bit tiresome, but really, there’s nothing tighter and hotter than a woman’s pert bottom.  And nothing else feels like ass fucking feels when you learn to like it.

So I tell you what.  You want my ass?  You first.  And if you like it, I promise not to tell anyone.  At first.  I mean if you’re really into being humiliated, then I’m telling everyone just to see if humiliation fetish is your thing.  But seriously, your prostate is one of my favorite places, and I know just what to do with it, and you will have the most intense orgasm that you have ever had.

And when you recover, I’ll let you blow a load in my ass.

So what’s it going to be?  Is it worth your first potential feminization to take me from behind, in the behind?

The choice is yours, but if it makes you feel better, we can start with something small.  LOL

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca


Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca

AIM ID: sinfulbianca

Follow me on Twitter! @phonesexnanny

Interracial Phone Sex

I keep talking about the cock that owns me, and some of you fuckers think I’m some BDSM queen and all submissive.  Whatever, man.  I am not a BDSM queen.  I am a SIZE QUEEN.  Get it right!  LOL

I call him the cock that owns me because holy shit, if you were a big black cock lover like me, and you had that thing inside you, you’d do whatever it took to get that thing again and again!  I am a quivering bowl of jelly after a workout with him and my complete uselessness after one of our fuck sessions is why he and his cock own me. 

I look at this big, beautiful specimen of manhood, having satisfied me sexually, and can’t let go of it.  I’m still playing with it, tasting it, even though I barely have the strength to hold it.  That can only mean one thing.  It has some sort of magnetic attraction to my white-size-queen self.  I am drawn to it.  I need it in my throat, in my cunt and in my ass.  That’s where big black dick belongs, baby.  If my man had three of them, I’d want them in all three holes at the same time.

So here’s to the cock that owns me.  It’s Big.  It’s Black.  I worship it in the sack!  Or anywhere else I get the chance!

Do YOU have a big black cock?  If yes, then you know what I’m talking about.  If not, there’s no way you can wrap your mind around the awesomeness that is BBC.  You’ll just have to call me to find out more!

Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!


Yahoo ID: playwithquinn

AIM ID: playwithquinn

Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn

Mutual Masturbation Phone Sex

hey there phone sex lovers!

holy hell this weekend has been super busy, seriously! but thank gawd there is always just enough time to enjoy my sweet private time. and i know you are jeebus because i am not a selfish kinda chik (wink wink).

in my nightstand i have a few “B.O.B.’s” (battery operated boyfriends aka sex toys, ha ha ha) but OH MA GAWD i have now have in sweaty little hands the phone sex boyfriends of all boyfriends, i got me a new fuck stick!
my sweety of a caller “D” totally gifted me and i am so ready to share with him the ultimate mutual masturbation phone sex session.

its cool to because being a phone sex girlfriend lets me do what i love best. i love lotsa sexy talk. and my sessions with “D” arent guided masturbation sessions, its just me and him warming up to each other and letting the phone sex roleplay develop between us.

i love painting a picture with my words, ya know? while he is busying stroking his dick, and my hand is sliding all around between my legs and over my tummy, i can feel his hot breathing on the phone and then we both get to that place where every word said is like its being actually felt.

mmmmm, talk to you soon!

AIM: lucysdelights YIM: lucy.delight
Masturbation Phone Sex

Bukkake Phonesex

Bukkake Phonesex

I love Mondays.
After my wild bukkake weekend, this cuckold gangbang phonesex queen needed a long ass bubble bath to scrape all the cum off my blonde big tit phonesex body (and soak all the big black cock phonesex loads of cum out of my pussy, ass and long blonde hair.)
As much as I adore turning phonesex sissy boys into panty wearing big black cock sucking faggots, sometimes a phonesex cuckold queen just needs to be the center of attention of a ring of big black cocks.
With a real man, I love feeling hands all over my big tits, pawing, pulling and sucking, especially when the big black cock had a bunch of friends in his phone that he can text to come right on over to a big cock cuckold bukkake phonesex gangbang.
Just thinking about a bukkake phonesex gangbang is making this cuckold phonesex queen all ready for a big black cock.
You up for a bukkake phonesex gangbang?
1 888 662 6482

Coed Phone Sex

Hiya everyone! =) I’m Tiffany, a 19teen former stripper turned cheap phone sex girl! I decided to give up the pole when I declared my major, so now I’ve come to play with all of you =)

There’s not much I haven’t seen or heard from working in the club, so I think the title no taboo phone sex coed fits me well =) There’s nothing I can’t handle. I mean I am a small town girl, but not a sheltered one =)

So I had so much fun on my first weekend here playing all kinds of naughty role plays, being a giggly tease, or even playing with older panty boys. I can tell I’m going to like it here!

Can’t wait to hear from you =)

AIM: NoTabooTiffany
YIM: NoTabooTiffany
Email: tiffany@phonesexsuperstars.com

Hardcore Fetish Phonesex

You see this Aryan Phonesex Queen coming toward you with  a bunch of my big burly skinhead Aryan hardcore  phonesex freaky fucks.

You’re stomach clenches, because you  are just one little white man.

You’re girlfriend is a pretty little black girl.

How offensive is that to this Sick fetish phonesex Aryan Queen?

First, my big white skinhead phonesex friends tie you down, while I turn my attention to your nappy headed pretty black girlfriend.

When this Aryan phonesex queen makes her start to moan, that’s when we all notice your small white penis get hard.

And this Sick Phonesex Fetish Queen is going to make you pay for being a traitor to your  race.

Sick Fetish Phonesex with Tara.

1 888 662 6482


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