this is to my loser boyfriends who call me. you want ME to tell YOU, that you are the best i have had. you want me to lie to you then? you want to hear me moan and lust for your simple dick ways. you try to satisfy me with your mindfucks, but you cant even do that right. you want me to tell you how hot you sound, when i can barely hear you stroke your little dicks. you small dick boys. lemme hear you try to squeeze one out for me. i can barely hear your fingers shuffle across that tiny dick. you are that pathetic guy who stuffs his underwear like a preteen girl stuffing her small titty bra. you are that girl, your dick the small titty, and you…… are just plain sad.
you dont get me off on your penis. i can barely get on it anyways. everytime i move my hips the very slightest, you slip out, not because you are not hard, but because you are so little. you are like the last piece of candy in a box, sweet all around but flawed, and so disapointing too.
little short dick’d man, tell me your woe is me story and i will slap you sideways. little short dick’d man, lemme laugh at your tater tot tic tac sack. little short dick’d man, to say anything more would be too much for that clit you call an appendage.
888-662-6482 ask for Lucy
AIM: LucysDelight YIM: Lucys.Delight