I declare it phone sex fetish friday! Come get your freak on with me your favoritephone sex party girl,Cock Princess Cindy. Now you smoking fetish phone sex lovers know how much I love to hit the bong for you, and share a cigarette with you afterwards. Phone Sex Fetish play is something you know makes you feel good, then SOME of you get to cum super hard and mellow the fuck out, others of you still have to beg your phone sex fetish mistress for more! Call me ,fuckers! 1-888-662-6482
small cock humiliation
Cuckold Phone Sex
I think I know how I got so good at cuckold phone sex. I kind of cuckold guys all the time. Now truly, a cuckold is the person you’re in a relationship with that you cheat on. I’ve expanded the definition to include any kind of tease and denial, and you better believe that I’m the fucking tease and denial queen.
I will flirt with you, tease and rub up against you, and then totally deny you the satisfaction of being inside me. And I will get you totally worked up, too. You only think you’ve had blue balls before me. But I never realized what I was doing, I just thought I was being a flirt. Now sometimes I end up fucking the shit out of the guy, especially if he’s got a big black cock.
But I never knew that you guys were into it. I mean you totally need to NOT come. I don’t get it, but I’m fucking awesome at it. If you ever needed to not come, I’m your fucking girl. LOL So all you tease and denial boys, and I know you’re out there, it’s time to start jerking your cock, get yourselves REALLY CLOSE, and then call me. I’ll take it from there.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!
Yahoo ID: playwithquinn
AIM ID: playwithquinn
Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn
Smoking Fetish Phone Sex
I declare it smoking fetish saturday! Yes my little smoking fetish phone sex lovers, I am ready to play with you! This party girl comes completely 420 ready! I know how some of you love to hear me hit that bong over and over, and some of you love to get high right along with me! Stoner phone sex is fun! I’m sure you have an idea for somekinky roleplay phone sex too. Come share your dirty fantasies with me!
Cock Princess Cindy 1-888-662-6482
AIM BBCPrincessCindy YIM CockPrincessCindy
Phone Sex Secret
I got a lil phone sex secret, Ricky has a small penis humiliation fetish. The last girl he tried to bone, asked him, when he was mid thrust, “Is it in yet?”
He said that he just loved to try, he really wanted to try to please, but he knew he never would and that he never can nor will. Ricky also told me that he has never really pleased any chik.
How does a guy go around the rest of his lifetime knowing that he has this little phone sex secret? How does a guy live his adult life knowing that the one thing, the main thing, the absolute attribute that makes him different than the female species is what makes him less than man. Pathetic. LOL Poor guy, *giggle* it’s not like he hasn’t tried to make his small penis humiliation fetish a bigger dick. He has tried the pumps, the weights and the excercises…. *giggle* and they didn’t work. duhhhhhhhhh!
Call me about your phone sex secret and tell me about your sph fetish. I know you will crack me up with your stories!
AIM: LucysDelights
YIM: Lucy.Delight
18Teen Phone Sex
I first realized the power of my young voice early on. I’d talk sexy to guys in a flirtatious way, and I’d see them get hard through their jeans. But sometimes it would have a little wet spot too, and that let me know that some serious chemistry was going on down there!
I’d get bolder and bolder, and tell guys my fantasies and watch them squirm. Then as I got better at using my young voice, I’d tell them things to do, and holy fuck they’d do it! That’s the power of a young voice, baby.
Seriously, I told a guy to beat off for me one day and out of the blue in a semi public place he whips his shit out and starts stroking it, all the way to orgasm! Another time, I told this guy in my hot young voice that he needed to eat my pussy and the son of a bitch got down on his hands and knees and licked me through three orgasms! This shit is like mind control for your sex drive!
So if you want the ride of a lifetime, you need to call this young voice phone sex chick. All you need is a couple of ears and a hard dick!
Call me now for Hot Young Voice Phone Sex!
Yahoo & AIM: crystal18teen
I’m the best when it comes to sounding young for 18Teen Phone Sex!
Phone Sex Size Queen
I’ve been looking into a safari. I and the cock that owns me want to travel to his homeland, the Dark Continentitself, Africa. He wants to reconnect with his roots, and I want to connect with the roots of some big black cock.
New cock is harder to come by than you think, especially for a size queen like me. Add in a black cock fetish and it’s not like you can get laid walking down the street anymore. So the plan is to get our passports and fly over so he can trace his family tree, and I’ll spend all day bouncing, sucking and throwing my ass onto some pure African big black dick.
Don’t you think a lot of those men over there would like white pussy? I bet most of them have never even had any, so it’s like I’m on a diplomatic mission and shit. I figure if there’s an hour when I don’t have a big black cock in me, then I’m doing something wrong, and letting my country down.
We’re still pricing everything, so I’ll let you know how it goes. But if you’ve got a big dick fetish, and I know some of you do, having a cock doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy watching or talking to a chick about getting pounded by a big dick, then call me and we’ll enjoy ourselves talking about my favorite subject: interracial phone sex and big black cock.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!
Yahoo ID: playwithquinn
AIM ID: playwithquinn
Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn
SPH Phone Sex
Hey phone sex fuckers! Hope you are having a great New Year so far! I know that some of you aren’t though cus you got a little ass dick! Haha!! You know why I like sph phone sex so much? Oh wait let me spell that out for the fucktards that don’t know what sph is.. small penis humiliation phone sex.. I love it because it’s FUN.. that’s right FUN and I am all about enjoying the fuck outta myself! See you worthless little dick fuckers are nothing but pure enjoyment for me! I know that you will never even have a chance with a girl like me.. or any other girl for that matter! I mean she would have to be down right desperate or dead to be with a small penis like yours!C’mon make my night , give me a giggle and call , let me know how tiny you really are.. OH and if you THINK that 6 inches is big.. you betta think again! Call 4 Cookie! 1-888-662-6482
AIM & YIM Call4Cookie
Young Voice Phone Sex
You call a young voice phone sex girl for pretty much one reason. We can’t say it here, but if you’re the kind of guy that REALLY needs to hear a young voice to get off, then it’s ok baby. I’m your girl.
I don’t care. I get it. And I want you to get what you need. So get your dick out, lube up, stroke a little for me, and then about the time you get a bubble of pre-cum on top of there, call me. And then I’ll take care of the rest.
I’ll give you exactly what you want. No bullshit. And then you can call me again and again and again. I got what you need baby. Young voice phone sex. Come and get it.
Call me now for Hot Young Voice Phone Sex!
Yahoo & AIM: crystal18teen
I’m the best when it comes to sounding young for 18Teen Phone Sex!
Forced Interracial Cock Sucking
I wouldn’t go so far as to say men with small dicks should kill themselves, but they certainly shouldn’t reproduce. There is enough small dick in the world and not enough big dick. The only way to do this is to strictly reduce the reproductive rights of all small dicked men.
If you think I’m going to far then you clearly haven’t been fucked by a big dick. If you’d like one, we’ll take care of some forced bi-sexuality or forced feminization in no time. But for the most part big dick is pretty much the only reason to live, and if you’ve got a big dick, then you’re pretty much one of the lucky ones. If you’ve got a big black dick, then you were meant to rule this world and all the white woman on it.
I do some serious small penis humiliation on my cheap phone sex calls, so if you like being put down or like hearing about big dicks, we should definitely talk. Big dick fetish or small dick fetish, it’s all the same to me. Only big cocks are penetrating me, but I’ll be happy to laugh at your small dick on the phone. Just don’t cum until I tell you to.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!
Yahoo ID: playwithquinn
AIM ID: playwithquinn
Follow me on Twitter @sizequeenquinn
cuckold phone sex fantasy
Hey y’all! I got this call from J who says, “oh Bella, I just want to watch you get fucked”. Oh, ok. That is my favorite thing to do so cum on and watch me. I mean this guy didn’t just want to watch me get fucked. He wanted to watch me take on three big black studs all at once. He has been dreaming of watching his wife get fucked like that so he got to live his cuckold phone sex fantasy on the phone with me.
Ya see my caller has a tiny little cock and he knows he has never really satisfied any woman. When he told me how small it was I couldn’t help but laugh and make fun of him. Then came my variety of BBCs. I was getting fucked three ways from Sunday while I was also sucking a big, thick, black cock until I almost gagged on it all while I was staring at my boy J. He was watching closely and every chance I got, I was telling him how great it felt to get fucked by such big cocks.
All you cuckolds out there know who to call to live out your cuckold phone sex fantasy right? Just call 1-888-662-6482 and ask for Bella. I’ll show you some fun!
AIM and Yahoo: bellablowsyou