hello phone sex lovers!

so the other night “T” found me in our phone sex chat room, and as usual he goes on to tell me how i am evil, and how can i do this to him, bla bla bla…..
“how can i do this to you”, well dude its easy, shit like this comes easy to me, because i am evil, i love taking from you, controlling you. cock control fetish phone sex is something that you desire of me, this phone sex fetish is why you come crawling back to me, over and over and over again. “but Goddess Lucy, i cant afford to keep staying on the phone, i want to cum please.” ha, i love to hear a pathetic phone sex addict beg. and addict is such a wrong word, because i am more than a drug to him, more than just making him over and over again add more time to the phone sex call. “extend for more time “T”, add more i am not done with you” and he obeys, well he has no choice, i am taking from him, his life source, his sperm, even the words that ejaculate from his mouth, the thoughts that ejaculate from his imagination are all mine, making me stronger, controlling his mind, his soul, my name is carved on the inside of his skull so all he sees is my name reflected in his eyes.
succubus fetish phone sex is my new candy that sweetens the sugar that pulses thru my veins when i am thinking of a tease and denial phone sex, that full cock control, the emptying of your will, your wallet and all that makes you a “man”.
Get Lucky with Lucy
AIM: lucysdelight YIM: lucy.delight
email: lucy@phonesexsuperstars.com
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