I think its cute when a guy calls me Mistress or Goddess, it really shows the power, ya know. Phone Sex Mistress, even just saying it, makes me feel sexy.
Men have known this for years, that having a title, it commands attention. I dont know why i think its a lil funny tho, I am a switch, but when I am with a domme man, I call him Sir. Being a sensual switch allows me to exercise full personality, the real me, the true me.
Am I bossy, yes.
Am I obedient, most certainly.
Do I enjoy calling the shots, you betcha!
As a Fetish Mistress, I still embrace the sensual side of my personality. I am tactile, I know a big word for some of you small dickhead brainiacs out there, but it means I like to touch stuff. And when I play, I enjoy the sensory deprivation as well as your freedom of enjoying the complete sense of my touch. Role reversal phone sex sometimes happens during this part of the scene, because, well because you cant handle the tease and deny roleplay I start with you.
Robert had the balls to switch things up, he took control. He became the Domme, I fought, I tried my damnedest to being the Top, bought he over powered my power of being a Phone Sex Tease.
Are you ready for some tease and denial phone sex? Be a man and take care of my needs. Or be a bitch and lemme take care of yours! *giggle* 🙂
AIM: LucysDelights YIM: Lucy.Delight
Phone Sex Tease