You know that old saying that you can catch more flies with honey? I really take that to heart when it comes to sensual domination phone sex. I know some flies like vinegar, but there’s nothing like sticky sweet honey to catch you in my trap. I know how to gently nudge you toward where I want you to go and make you feel like it was all your idea to begin with. Some may call it manipulation, but I like to call it finesse. Doesn’t it just sound better? I think so. I’m so totally open to whatever you say in the beginning…docile and obedient. And my pussy is soooo good, you’ll get lost in it only to realize later that I got you to do things you never thought you’d do. I won’t tell you all my secrets. Just know that you’ll be so eager to please me that when we’re done you’ll be wonder what the fuck just happened to you.

Sensual domination phone sex is such a delicate balance of giving you what you want and taking what I want. Of course, I always tip the scales in my favor but you’ll never be quite sure when the tide turned. I’ll leave you to figure that one out later. Once you do you’ll be begging me to go again so you can get the best of me. Do you think you can actually do it? I’m happy to let you have a challenge, and it’ll be a big one. It might take you a few tries, but each time you’ll be so fucking satisfied that you’ll give in a little more.
How far will you go to please me and my pussy? I would guarantee that it’s much further than you ever thought you would go. Give me a call at 1 888 662 6482 and ask for Harlow and let’s see.