Hello My favorite cheap phonesex Lovers. . . You know who you are. . . The Foot Fetish phonesex Boys, Foot Slaves, All the “footboys” of the world. 😉
I just love trampling. Tramping phonesex is super hot. I love to slide into a sexy pair of socks (I prefer OTK –Over the knee– socks or knee high stockings). What kind do you like? You want them silky and smooth or do you like them in cashmere, perhaps you prefer something a little different. . .maybe you like cable-knit socks. I know to a footboy the socks and stockings that trample you can be very important. I know that just thinking about trampling feet all over your body is making your shake . . . Maybe even quiver. . . But what? I haven’t even started! *giggleS*
If I am in the mood for some brutal trampling phonesex I will pull on my trampling heels and stomp all over your pathetic looser body. You know that I am a Bratty DOmme and that I deserve whatever I want — Even if that means my tramping heels smashing into your tender flesh over and over again while I fulfill your brutal trampling fetish desires! I know, I know — I look so sweet and Soooo innocent. You see my red hair– Of course I wanna trample all over inferior men. . . Boys really. They make it to easy when all they can think with is their cocks! I loved to go tramping around on your body during so hot high heel trampling, they always let me win so easy. . .So they might as well take my brutal trampling from my trampling heels.
But wait. . . I know there is a softer foot slave out there. . One that could never handle a brutal tramping, because even the softest of trampling phonesex makes him curl up in whimpers and moans. Just the feel of my cable-knit socks on his cheeks and the feel of the cable-knit between his lips makes him go all oozy from trampling phonesex. He is to easy to beat up on and trample on. I don’t think he could ever take many pairs of trampling feet covered in cable-knit stockings tramping all over his body. He would explode and implode all at once! *giggleS*
Anywho— I know you are already ooozing SO call me up for the hottest trampling fetish phonesex you can find – – (Don’t worry it doesn’t have to be a brutal tramping phonesex session, unless you like it really rough. *giggleS*)
AIM/YAHOO: CuddleBugChloe