Smells like pussy in here. No, not graduation day for my poppets, although that does tend to make Chez Bianca smell like a brothel. No, the alternative phone sex mommy had some friends over last night. College friends. We did drinks and then girls’ night in.
Sometimes the only way I can relax and totally drop my guard is in the company of another woman. Or two. And while we’d all slept together in various combinations in college and shared boyfriends and what-not, this was a pleasant evening of NO MEN. You don’t know what it does for a woman to have that burden removed. She can just relax, free of expectations and let the orgasms just wash over her.
No role-plays, no head games, no toys… well, a few toys. A little guided masturbation, a little mutual masturbation, and just gorging ourselves on each other. It was delicious.
So now, this phone sex MILF is ready for some serious deep dicking. I’m not on the prowl tonight, some MILF phone sex will do the trick nicely. Can’t wait to here from you…
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want to try to satisfy Bianca
Yahoo ID: sinfulbianca | AIM ID: sinfulbianca